July 05, 2007

自己沖澡 Hasan taking shower

在這之前都是洗泡澡. 這幾天爸爸開始訓練他沖澡, 本來小肉包很怕站在蓮澎頭下面, 現在終於不怕了, 爸爸叫他進去就進去, 出來就出來, 做完一輪之後還會自己覺得很有成就似地拍拍手鼓勵鼓勵.
Until today, Hasan always had his bath in the tub. Daddy started training him to take shower by himself for the past couple of days. Hasan was so afraid of standing under the shower head, but now he's not afraid anymore. He would walk into the water when daddy told him to, and walked out also when daddy told him to. Afterwards he would give himself a round of applause as if he's done a big achievement!

第二段影片的後面爸爸用阿拉伯文問他幾歲了(阿呆許翁姆拉克), 他也會比一喔! 現在這句話已經聽得懂四種語言了, 用中文, 台語, 英文, 還有阿拉伯文問他他都會比一歲喔!
In the second video clip, daddy asked him "how old are you" in Arabic, and he signed "one"! Now he understands this sentence in 4 different languages - if you ask him "how old are you" in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English, and Arabic, he will react to all 4 languages and sign "one"!

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