July 22, 2007

海邊驚魂記 Scary experience at the beach

送走阿公阿媽之後, 爸爸又說要去海邊玩, 所以我們就出門了. 上個禮拜爸爸帶小肉包去運動用品店買了一件救生衣, 到了海邊之後我們給小肉包穿上, 爸爸就很興奮地帶小肉包去踏浪. 水其實冷得要命, 但是爸爸根本不聽我勸, 執意要帶小肉包下水.
After grandpa and grandma left, daddy wanted to go to the beach again. Last week daddy bought a life jacket for Hasan, so we put it on him as soon as we arrived the beach, and daddy immediately took Hasan to the water. The water was actually very cold, but daddy was so excited and didn't want to listen to me.

第一段影片請注意站在爸爸和小肉包前面的那位穿粉紅色比基尼的辣妹阿姨, 在影片第十二秒左右之處有露出股溝喔! (我都沒有注意到, 是回家後爸爸看到這段影片, 很興奮地跑來跟我說拍得好啊!)
In the first video, please notice the girl in pink bikini standing in front of daddy and Hasan. She accidentally showed her butt at the 12th second of the video! (I didn't even notice that until when we arrived home, daddy told me that I took the greatest video because of this!)

第二段影片就驚險了. 爸爸回頭跟攝影機打招呼, 沒想到身後一個大浪打來, 爸爸和小肉包都掉到水裡了. 仔細聽還可以聽到我的哀嚎! 不過我站在岸上拍, 實在是遠水救不了近火. 兩人上岸之後, 小肉包還哭哭啼啼的驚魂未定, 爸爸被我臭罵了一頓, 以後再也不讓爸爸帶小肉包去海裡玩了.
In the second video, daddy turned to the camera to say hi without knowing that there was a big wave coming behind him. Both daddy and Hasan fell into the water, and you could also hear my screaming! But I was standing on the shore and couldn't really do anything about it. After daddy and Hasan came up, I gave daddy a big lecture and decided not to allow daddy to take Hasan to the ocean again.

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