July 26, 2007

無緣的夏杉 No Shaza

超音波結果今天揭曉, 我們阿拉家的老二又是個男的啦!
So here is the result of the ultrasound - we are having another Arar boy!

從懷孕開始, 我就一心盼望老二生個女的, 連名字都想好了呢! 中文叫夏杉, 英文叫 Shaza. 男孩子的名字可是一個也沒準備, 因為根本就覺得一定會生女的! 沒想到又來個活蹦亂跳的小弟弟, 照超音波的時候, 弟弟一直動來動去, 搞得技師小姐一直抓不到正確的位置. 小姐跟我們說, 通常在媽媽肚裡很會動的, 生出來也容易是個過動兒. 天啊! 家裡有三個過動兒的日子真不知道怎麼過唷! 表弟說得真好, 從此我就要住在男生宿舍了. 嗚嗚嗚......
From the moment I knew I am pregnant, I had been hoping to have a girl. I even had the girl's name ready: Shaza. We didn't prepare any boy's name because I didn't expect to have another boy at all. However, today we found out that the 2nd baby is a boy again. He was so active when I was having my ultrasound exam. The lady told me that if baby is active in mommy's tummy, most likely he will be very active after he's born. My goodness....now I have 3 active boys at home....how am I going to survive? My cousin is so right, from now on I am going to live in a guys' dorm!

老妹, 你那位埃及的算命師好像不是很準耶! 除非我們家還有別人懷孕......
Rebecca, the fortune teller in Egypt was not very accurate, unless he was talking about some other pregnant woman in our family......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    that's ok, 你的第三胎我再交你我表姐的偏方好了 嘻嘻
