Sunday evening Kaman's mom invited us to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Over the dinner, we realized that we shouldn't have brought Hasan with us to this high quality restaurant. We should have asked the nanny to work overtime and left Hasan home.
這小鬼現在愈來愈皮, 一開始猛吃麵包, 自己吃飽了就開始不安分, 高椅子也坐不住, 非要站起來, 不抱他下來他又放大嗓門鬼叫鬼叫的, 搞得我們尷尬得要命. 桌上的東西什麼都要摸一下, 連紅酒白酒也想要喝, 阿里教訓他, 他就大哭大鬧, 害得阿里跟阿公只好輪流抱他出去餐廳外面走走, (我因為懷孕所以得免於抱他,) 晚餐也不能好好享受.
This kid is becoming more and more like a trouble. At the beginning of the dinner, he was eating bread piece by piece continuously. When he was full, he started moving around and standing up on the high chair. If we didn't allow him, he would yell at us and made us embarrassed in front of people. He wanted to touch everything on the table, even wanted to drink the wine. When Ali gave him a lesson, he cried and yelled even more. As a result, Ali and grandpa had to take turns to take him out for a walk. (I was exempted from this because I was pregnant and couldn't carry him anymore.)
不要看他平常一副小天使的樣子, 其實都是裝可愛, 皮起來真的是很皮的呢!
So if you think that Hasan is a little angel, think again! Don't be fooled by his innocent look - he is turning into a terrible toddler!
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