Friday night grandpa and grandma came to sleep over. Hasan had a great time with grandpa and grandma, climbing up and down the couch as if it's his play ground.
結果晚上睡覺的時候還做惡夢哭醒, 可能是玩得太瘋了吧. 阿公阿媽回去之後他還一直喊著 "阿公" "阿媽," 好像很想念的樣子.
As a result of having too much fun in the evening, he woke up in the middle of the night crying as if he had a bad dream. After grandpa and grandma left, he kept calling "grandpa" "grandma" as if he missed them so much.
第二天一早起來大家一起去公園散步, 阿公抱著小肉包玩水玩得好開心, 但是我忘了帶相機, 精采的片段都沒有拍下來, 真是可惜了.
The next morning we woke up early to take a walk in the park. Grandpa took Hasan to play with the water, and Hasan giggled a lot. But I wasn't able to record all these moments because I forgot to bring a camera....too bad!
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