July 06, 2007

今夏第二烤 2nd BBQ this summer

七月四日當天不能免俗地也要來個烤肉. 這回在外婆家前面的院子烤, 沒有其他的小朋友跟他玩, 只好自己找樂子了.
Of course we had to have a BBQ on July 4th. This time we had it in grandma's front yard, so there were no other kids to play with Hasan. He had to try to entertain himself.

東吃西吃的吃了一堆亂七八糟的, 有點渴了. Ken 舅舅餵他吃西瓜, 小肉包竟然貪心地想要整片抓來吃.
He ate a lot of stuff from the grill and felt thirsty. Uncle Ken fed him some water melon, and he even wanted to grab the whole piece himself!

只有凱文舅舅年紀比較小一點, 勉強可以湊合著一起玩. 不過小肉包想和小舅舅玩, 舅舅可還不想跟他這個小毛頭玩呢!
Uncle Kevin was the yongest, and Hasan was hoping to play with this little uncle. But Kevin didn't seem to be interested......

吃完烤肉大家又到舅公家去幫 Pat 舅舅慶生. 到底是誰生日啊? 小肉包真愛湊熱鬧.
After BBQ we went to celebrate uncle Pat's birthday. Hasan was standing right in front of the cake as if it was his birthday celebration.

對了, 忘了介紹我在 food network 上學來的烤水蜜桃. 水蜜桃要選軟一點的白桃, 放在 grill 上烤個五分鐘, 淋上一點點蜂蜜, 真的很讚喔! 很像在吃沒有派皮的水蜜桃派, 大家可以試試看.

Almost forgot to introduce our new dish - grilled peach. Pick soft white peaches and put them on the grill for about 5 minutes. Add some honey on top of it - it is really good! It's like eating a peach pie without the pie crust.

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