December 16, 2008


小肉包最近白天已經可以完全不用包尿布, 晚上睡覺則是用 pull-up. 能進歨到今天這個地步真是長期抗戰啊! 不論如何, 還是要給他鼓勵鼓勵 ^_^

話說這天爸爸帶小肉包去 BJ 買些日常用品, 當然免不了要買弟弟的尿布和小肉包的 pull-up. 小肉包最近迷上 Dora, 看到有 Dora 圖案的 pull-up 就吵著要買, 我們家爸爸也很糊塗, 看都不看就買回家了, 雖然打開來發現是粉紅色的, 但是誰說男生不能穿粉紅色呢? 爸爸不管三七二十一就幫小肉包把 pull-up 硬套了上去.

結果昨晚睡覺睡到半夜, 果然發生尿床的慘劇. 小肉包自己感覺到尿濕褲子, 在睡夢中把爸爸搖起來請爸爸幫他換尿布.

早上起來談到這件事, 我馬上把粉紅色的 Dora pull-up 拿來研究一下, 果然就是設計給女生穿的. 如果說我們家爸爸不知道男生和女生尿尿的方式不同, 那也太扯了吧? Dora pull-up 最厚最吸水的位置和以前買的給小男生用的 pull-up 不一樣, 爸爸竟然沒發現就買了回來, 我質問他的時候, 他還要替自己辯解: "沒有差那麼多吧?"

誰家的妹妹有要用 Pampers 5 號的 Dora pull-up? 請不要客氣來我們家搬貨吧!

PS. 話又說回來, 誰規定只有小女生才能喜歡 Dora, 而小男生不能喜歡 Dora 呢?


  1. 我們也買錯過 小米穿CARS系列

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    hi i've been reading ur blog for awhile. it's my first time leaving a message. ur babies are so cute!

    i must tell u, good for u guys not tryint to restrict what hasan likes, people always want to put the gender on certain toys. i see that u give hasan lots of freedom. like letting him watch sleeping beauty! i think it's very good!

    i have 2 kids too, both girls. first born will be 3 in feb, and the baby will be 15months soon. and we'r also in nyc. i'll keep coming back to ur blog, keep up the good work!


  3. Hi Ka: Thanks for your message ^_^ We live in Kew Gardens - If you are close by, maybe we can have a play date! Please also let me know your blog if you have one.
