December 15, 2008

弟弟十二個月的體檢 Kareem's 12-month checkup

今天下午帶弟弟去做 12 個月的體檢. 弟弟身高 32.5 吋, 依然破表超過 100 percentile; 體重 25 磅, 約在 75 percentile 左右; 頭圍 19 吋, 則在 90 percentile 左右. 褓母阿姨說弟弟是長得太高所以平衡感不好, 才會比哥哥晚開始走路. 雖然這個理論不知是真是假, 不過弟弟長太高還真是事實!
I took Kareem to have his 12-month checkup today. Kareem is 32.5 inch in height (over 100 percentile) and 25 lb in weight (75 percentile). Our nanny always says that Kareem started walking so late because he's too tall. I am not sure how reliable this theory is, but it is true that Kareem is super tall!

平常兄弟兩體檢多半是爸爸帶去, 好不容易有一次機會是由我帶去體檢, 所以從診所出來之後, 爲了慰勞弟弟被打了兩劑疫苗, 我帶弟弟到對面的飛達麵包店去買了一個小焦糖布丁, 母子兩分著吃. 今天紐約的氣溫算高的, 兩個人在太陽下散步非常悠閒, 就當做是媽咪和 Kareem 的約會囉! (Kareem OS: 爲什麼約會還要被打針呢? 真倒楣!)
After Kareem received two shots from the clinic, I took him to the local bakery to have some sweets as a make-up. We shared a small creme brulee in this sunny afternoon, and it felt like a lovely date of mother and son. However, Kareem was probably wondering "why am I getting shots on a date?"

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