December 19, 2008


入冬以來紐約下過兩場小雪, 不過都是雪一停馬上就化掉的那種程度, 所以今年冬天我們還沒有玩到雪. 今天早上吃完早餐, 天空開始飄起雪來, 一直下到下午三四點才停, 小肉包睡午覺前就一直對著窗外望著, 很想出去和媽咪堆個雪人. (顯然完全忘記去年他怕雪怕成什麼樣子. 請看這裡) 午覺睡醒後, 我幫小肉包帶上帽子和手套, 兩個人就快樂的出門去玩雪了. 弟弟因為走路還不穩, 只好跟爸爸留守在家.

不過媽咪和小肉包母子倆顯然太過興奮, 因為一出門才發現雪是停了沒錯, 但是卻開始下起雨來, 早上下的雪開始融化, 車子開過整個街道泥濘不堪, 雪看起來都黑黑髒髒的. 我本來是想帶小肉包到對面法院的廣場去玩處女雪, 不過天候這麼糟, 我們又還沒給他買正式的雪靴雪褲, 恐怕還沒過到馬路對面鞋子褲子就已經全濕了, 所以決定就在大樓門口隨便玩個兩下打發他. 大樓門口當然沒有足夠的積雪可以堆雪人, 我就教他把雪弄成個小雪球, 往街道上沒人的地方砸過去, 這個遊戲正好發洩他過旺的精力, 讓他又叫又跳的 high 了好半天.

From Random

From Random

十五分鐘後我看他的褲管開始濕了起來, 跟他說該回家了. 看他失望的表情, 依依不捨的進到大樓裡面, 還很盡責的把不小心帶進大廳的雪再撿起來丟到外面, 免得大家採到滑倒.


From Random

耍寶..... 眼睛怎樣都不肯張開!

From Random

From Random


From Random

今年入冬以來的第一次玩雪記, 就這樣草草十五分鐘結束! 我倒是很慶幸不需要在這種下雪下雨天去上班, 今天交通肯定是出奇的差, 聽說珍妮阿姨開了三個小時才從辦公室回到家!


  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    hasan is so cute, and he seems to have so much understanding of what's going on around him.

    i took my older daughter out today too. but other than looking around she doesn't seem to have an interest to touch the snow, i started to make a very tiny snow man, and she just stood there and watch me. when i asked her if she wants to go back, she said yes right away. haha. the whole thing lasted less than 5 mins!!

    btw, we live in the bronx, but my mother is in flushing. and that's y we are always in queens! too bad my husband is very against the idea of meeting friends over the internet... if not i think our kids can be good friends!


  2. To Ka: I totally understand your husband's concern. I also don't like the idea of meeting random people over the internet, but on the other hand I am eager to know more moms with kids at same ages as Hasan and Kareem. I met my friend Chii in a supermakret only because Hasan went over and talked to her daughter Isabelle. And guess what....we are good friends now! I would never in a million years talk to a stranger in a supermarket when I was single ^_^

    Anyway, maybe we'll be introduced formally in the future. Maybe one of your friends happens to be my friend too...who knows? Then you can tell your husband that we didn't just meet over the internet ^_^

    Happy holidays!! And please leave comments whenever you visit my blog!
