我們相約十點半在博物館門口見, 所以九點半不到我和小肉包就出門搭地鐵了. 出門前他因為耍賴不好好穿衣服而被爸爸稍微 "教訓" 了一下, 所以今天全程超聽話, 算是讓我非常輕鬆的一天. Julia 建議我們先參觀蝴蝶館, 這個館我之前也沒去過, 是一個小小的溫室, 裡面真的有好多蝴蝶飛來飛去, 幸運的話還會飛到你肩上停下來喔! 正好讓我練習拍拍照. 不過飛行中的蝴蝶真是難照啊! 飛得太快了, 抓不到鏡頭也無法對焦, 不知道從何照起, 我只會照停下來休息的蝴蝶.
Mommy's ex-manager Julia invited us to visit the Museum of Natural History. Hasan didn't want to put on his clothes in the morning so he got spanked by daddy before we left home. Because of that, he behaved pretty well throughout the entire trip today. Julia suggested that we visit the butterfly conservatory first. This was my first time visiting the butterfly conservatory, and I was amazed by how many butterflies they had in this little green house. It was a perfect opportunity to practice my photographic skills.
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From Collages |
今天有許多學校帶小朋友參觀博物館, 有一位小男生跟著老師和同學進入蝴蝶館隻後才發現這裡面放的可不是標本, 真的是有許多活生生會飛的蝴蝶, 嚇得在裡面大哭起來, 連一歨都不敢走動, 深怕蝴蝶會碰到他. 老師想把他趕快帶出場外, 還得把他的眼睛矇起來, 要不然他根本不敢走路, 一個勁兒的狂哭. 其實小肉包剛進去的時候也有點害怕, 因為蝴蝶真的是太多太密集了, 連蝴蝶這麼美麗的東西, 當多到一種程度的時候也還是會變得很恐怖啊! (這是不是給我們某方面的啟示?)
There was a little boy who's so scared of the butterflies and was crying out loud in the conservatory. To take him out of the green house, his teacher even had to cover his eyes otherwise he wouldn't dare to walk. Hasan was also a little scared when he first walked in, because there were MANY butterflies flying in there. As beautiful as butterflies are, when it comes to a large number they can still become scary objects.
看完蝴蝶, 當然一定要參觀恐龍的啦! 小肉包對恐龍的興趣果然遠大於蝴蝶, 一進去就逛個不停, Julia 也很熱心的跟小肉包解說每個恐龍標本的不同, 真的是非常感謝 Julia 讓我可以專心的拍照 (雖然也沒拍幾張).
After visiting the butterflies, of course we must visit the dinosaurs. Hasan was probably more interested in the dinosaurs than in the butterflies. Thanks to Julia for taking care of Hasan and explaining to him all different kinds of dinosaurs, so that I could take the time to relax a little bit and take some pictures.
From Museum of Natural History |
From Museum of Natural History |
From Museum of Natural History |
走一走小肉包肚子餓了, 我們就在博物館的 cafe 先點些簡單的東西餵飽他. 快一點的時候我們離開博物館, 按照我預定的計畫先去中央公園走一走散散歨, 目的是要把小肉包弄睡. 果然, 不到兩點他就在推車上睡著了, 我們兩個馬上跑到附近的 ShakeShack 享受好吃的漢堡. ShakeShack 真的很好吃耶! 以前去 Madison Square Park 的時候常經過, 每次都看到大排長龍, 但是從來沒吃過, 今日一試果真名不虛傳, 下次要帶嗜漢堡的阿里去試試. 唯一美中不足的是漢堡有點小, 後來下午我不到四點半肚子就餓了.
We fed Hasan up in the Museum cafe with some simple food, and left the Museum around 1pm. Everything was according to the plan: we took Hasan to Central Park for a short walk, and he fell asleep before 2. Julia and I then went to ShakeShack to enjoy a nice burger. This was my first time at ShakeShack also, and their burger was really good! Here is their website: http://www.shakeshack.com/
吃完漢堡小肉包還在睡, 我們只好又散步到 Columbus Circle 去坐地鐵 (因為要到那一站才有電梯). 像今天這麼晴朗的天氣, 就是應該要和好朋友出去戶外走走啊! 冬日的中央公園真的很美, 可惜我顧著和 Julia 聊天, 並沒有拍到中央公園白雪覆蓋湖面結冰的美景, 希望今年冬天還有機會到中央公園去走走.
After lunch Hasan was still sleeping, so we walked all the way to Columbus Circle to take the subway (because there was no elevator at the 79th street and 72nd street stations). It was nice and sunny today and it's great to take a walk with a good friend. Thanks for Julia's invitation - we really enjoyed it!
謝謝 Julia 的邀約, 今天全部的照片請看這裡.
Please see here for all the pictures taken today.
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Museum of Natural History |
你用啥軟體把多張照片放得那麼漂亮? 教一下吧!
ReplyDeleteTo Alice: 我是用 Picasa 來儲存和整理我的照片, 它有個 collage 的功能可以把多張照片弄成像這樣, 很簡單, 你可以試試看.