January 22, 2009

Mac and cheese

老實說, 長到這麼大 (老?) 我還沒吃過 mac and cheese 耶! 因為通常餐廳的 menu 上都把 mac and cheese 歸類為 kids' menu, 而一般會放在 kids' menu 的好像以 junk food 居多, 所以我們也盡量避免點 kids' menu 上面的東西. 帶兩兄弟出門的時候, 小肉包常常和我們 share 我們點的菜, 反正美國餐廳的份量都很大, 一個人也吃不完, 就不必再刻意替他點一份兒童餐了.

不過爸爸一直跟我說小朋友就是愛吃 mac and cheese, 今天心血來潮, 想來試試自己做 mac and cheese. 我選的是 Rachael Ray 的食譜, Rachael Ray 的風格是以簡單聞名, 正好符合我們家午餐的原則 - 簡單迅速. 食譜如下:

1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil, 1 turn of the pan in a slow stream
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 cups whole or 2 percent milk
3 cups shredded white cheddar cheese
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, ground or freshly grated
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper, a couple pinches
1 pound elbow macaroni, cooked 8 minutes or to al dente, with a little bite to it

Heat a medium, deep skillet over medium heat. Add oil and butter. When butter melts into the oil, add flour and combine. Gently cook, whisking flour and butter together, until smooth and flour has had a chance to cook, about 3 minutes. Slowly add milk while continuing to whisk. Gently bring milk to a bubble while stirring frequently. Allow the milk to thicken a bit, then stir in 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese a handful at a time. Season sauce with nutmeg and cayenne. Taste and add a little salt, if you like. Add cooked pasta to sauce and coat completely by turning over and over in the cheese sauce. Transfer to a baking dish and top with remaining cheese. Place baking dish under a hot broiler and brown the cheddar cheese on top.

因為是午餐, 我懶得再煮其他的菜, 所以將食譜稍加變化, 加了豆子和紅羅蔔在裡面, 不但顏色好看, 營養也比較夠. 不過要注意, 豆子和紅羅蔔煮到爛所需要的時間比 macaroni 還要久, 所以在煮麵之前就要先煮豆子和紅羅蔔了, 不然等麵都爛掉了, 豆子還硬硬的.


From 200901

麵粉剛下奶油鍋的時候就可以聞到撲鼻的香味. 另外, Rachael Ray 這個食譜的最後一道手續是把剩下的 chadder cheese 灑在麵上面, 然後再進烤箱稍微烤一下, 把上面的 cheese 烤到有一點焦焦的. 我覺得這道手續真是絕對不能省啊! 上層的麵因為有了烤到金黃的 cheese 變得超香濃!

From 200901

小肉包管它叫 cheese 麵麵, 吃得欲罷不能, 我都怕他吃太撐了.

From 200901

弟弟也讚不絕口, 忍不住拍手叫好啊!

From 200901


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM


  2. To Niwawa: 我家兩兄弟胃口真的很好, 我想可能是遺傳吧! 我也聽很多媽媽講到家裡不喜歡吃飯的小朋友, 都一個頭兩個大. 不過我是覺得小朋友肚子餓一定會吵的, 她們不想吃就不用勉強, 等她們餓了自然會吃, 否則爸媽一直追在後面餵飯吃, 只是累壞爸媽而已.

    我家兄弟胃口好, 反而是要擔心他們過胖. 雖然目前還沒有這個問題, 但是家裡可是有肥胖的基因呢!

  3. Anonymous1:44 AM

