許多親朋好友跟我反映有關可可的文章和照片太少, 這其實也是事實. 小肉包出生後我們幾乎每天都替他照相, 到了可可就懶了.
People have been complaining that I didn't post enough pictures of Kareem. Here you go.....
這是可可自己扶奶瓶喝奶的影片. (沒這麼厲害啦! 只是手剛好擺在那邊而已.)
This is a video of Kareem eating on his own. (He just happened to put his hands around the bottle....)
Kareem 2 weeks old.
Kareem 3 weeks old.
December 31, 2007
December 27, 2007
寓九熱舞 Norbert gone wild
說起來周杰倫算是我們家的姻親, 我的大姨丈是周杰倫爸爸的哥哥(也就是周杰倫的伯父). 今年聖誕節周杰倫到LA開演唱會, 邀請我住在LA的阿姨姨丈和表哥Norbert參加. 我雖然沒有去, 但是看到這段影片, 想必演唱會一定很精采! 我表哥Norbert平常是正經八百的人, 竟然會上台去和周杰倫的伴舞熱舞起來! 真難想像......

December 26, 2007
和阿公去公園玩 In the park with grandpa
趁著天氣好, 小肉包和阿公去公園玩. 小肉包好久沒有放風了, 想必玩得不亦樂乎吧? 邊玩還邊唱點仔膠呢!
The weather was nice this past weekend, so Hasan went to the park with grandpa. We haven't took Hasan out for a while due to bad weather, and he had a great time in the park.

The weather was nice this past weekend, so Hasan went to the park with grandpa. We haven't took Hasan out for a while due to bad weather, and he had a great time in the park.

December 25, 2007
珍妮阿姨聖誕快樂! Merry X'mas, aunt Jenny!
珍妮阿姨又來看小肉包和可可囉! 爸爸說珍妮阿姨是媽咪的朋友裡面唯一親眼目睹小肉包成長過程的, 而且珍妮阿姨幾乎每次來都帶禮物, 謝謝珍妮阿姨囉! 小肉包最喜歡珍妮阿姨了!


December 24, 2007
阿公阿媽結婚34週年紀念 Grandpa and grandma's 34th wedding anniversary
昨天是阿公阿媽結婚34週年紀念, 大家聚在一起吃火鍋, 還有買蛋糕來切, 只是怎麼搞到最後像是小肉包的生日派對呢? 真是愛湊熱鬧的傢伙.
Yesterday was grandpa and grandma's 34th wedding anniversary. We had hot pot together for dinner, and also bought a cake to celebrate. But at the end it looked like Hasan's birthday party......
Yesterday was grandpa and grandma's 34th wedding anniversary. We had hot pot together for dinner, and also bought a cake to celebrate. But at the end it looked like Hasan's birthday party......
自己吃飯囉! I can eat by myself!
經過幾天訓練之後, 小肉包終於可以自己吃飯了. 雖然還是掉了滿桌滿地, 但是至少有點樣子啦!
After some training, Hasan can finally eat by himself! Although I have to seriously clean the table and floor after every meal, at least we don't have to feed him anymore!
這傢伙真是調皮搗蛋, 吃得差不多飽了就開始把飯亂倒在桌上.
He started playing when he was almost full.
偶爾他還是會忍不住用手抓, 比較方便嘛.....
Sometimes he still tried to use his hand to pick things up.....
After some training, Hasan can finally eat by himself! Although I have to seriously clean the table and floor after every meal, at least we don't have to feed him anymore!
這傢伙真是調皮搗蛋, 吃得差不多飽了就開始把飯亂倒在桌上.
He started playing when he was almost full.
偶爾他還是會忍不住用手抓, 比較方便嘛.....
Sometimes he still tried to use his hand to pick things up.....
December 19, 2007
小肉包"唸"台語歌 Hasan singing a Taiwanese song
阿媽來的時候教小肉包唱台語歌"點仔膠". 小肉包學得很快, 只不過他唱起戨來像是用唸的, 一點旋律都沒有, 真是個沒有音樂細胞的小孩.
之前爸爸一直抱怨小肉包只會講中文是因為褓母阿姨每天都跟他講中文. 但是由這段影片可以證明, 即使是久久來一次的外婆, 只要勤勞的教他講台語, 他一樣可以學起來. 小朋友的學習能力是很強的, 小肉包現在知道爸爸聽不懂中文, 所以有時還會翻譯給爸爸聽. 比如我們叫他吃飯了, 他就會跑去跟爸爸說"dinner, daddy". 所以小肉包如果不會講阿拉伯文, 爸爸實在是不能怪別人, 只能怪自己跟兒子的互動太少啦!
點仔膠 黏到腳
叫阿爸 買豬腳
豬腳箍(這句小肉包漏掉了) 滾爛爛
餓鬼嬰仔 流口水
之前爸爸一直抱怨小肉包只會講中文是因為褓母阿姨每天都跟他講中文. 但是由這段影片可以證明, 即使是久久來一次的外婆, 只要勤勞的教他講台語, 他一樣可以學起來. 小朋友的學習能力是很強的, 小肉包現在知道爸爸聽不懂中文, 所以有時還會翻譯給爸爸聽. 比如我們叫他吃飯了, 他就會跑去跟爸爸說"dinner, daddy". 所以小肉包如果不會講阿拉伯文, 爸爸實在是不能怪別人, 只能怪自己跟兒子的互動太少啦!
點仔膠 黏到腳
叫阿爸 買豬腳
豬腳箍(這句小肉包漏掉了) 滾爛爛
餓鬼嬰仔 流口水
這天吃早餐時, 小肉包突然大叫了一聲"閉嘴", 我和褓母都愣住了, 心想說這傢伙哪裡學來沒禮貌的話. 我跟阿里吵架的時候是偶爾會叫他"shut up"啦, 不過我都是講英文啊, 中文阿里又聽不懂, 小肉包雖然有點小聰明, 也不至於聰明到會自己把"shut up"翻譯成"閉嘴"吧? 褓母阿姨也趕快撇清, 說從沒有教過小肉包這麼不文雅的話. 小肉包看我們眉頭緊皺, 自己很得意, 就一直講"閉嘴"'閉嘴""閉嘴", 每講一遍後看到我們生氣惶恐的反應, 還要自己呵呵大笑, 好像很得意自己讓兩個大人為了他的行為緊張似的, 我們愈叫他不要講, 他愈要講.
過了一會兒, 他突然冒出了一聲"Barney", 然後又開始呵呵大笑. 這回我和褓母阿姨可沒反應了, 我心裡還訥悶, "Barney" 有什麼好笑的? 轉念一想, 原來他剛剛不是講"閉嘴", 是講"BJ". BJ 是Barney裡面的另一個人物, 是我和褓母阿姨自己想歪了, 以為他學了不好的話. 想清楚之後, 我跟褓母阿姨鬆了一口氣, 小肉包再講"BJ"的時候, 我們就沒有皺眉頭露出生氣的表情了. 他自己覺得奇怪, 剛剛講"BJ"可以惹大人生氣, 現在怎麼不靈了? 又講了幾次"BJ"和"Barney"之後, 看我們都沒反應, 自己也覺得沒趣, 就不再講了.
過了一會兒, 他突然冒出了一聲"Barney", 然後又開始呵呵大笑. 這回我和褓母阿姨可沒反應了, 我心裡還訥悶, "Barney" 有什麼好笑的? 轉念一想, 原來他剛剛不是講"閉嘴", 是講"BJ". BJ 是Barney裡面的另一個人物, 是我和褓母阿姨自己想歪了, 以為他學了不好的話. 想清楚之後, 我跟褓母阿姨鬆了一口氣, 小肉包再講"BJ"的時候, 我們就沒有皺眉頭露出生氣的表情了. 他自己覺得奇怪, 剛剛講"BJ"可以惹大人生氣, 現在怎麼不靈了? 又講了幾次"BJ"和"Barney"之後, 看我們都沒反應, 自己也覺得沒趣, 就不再講了.
December 14, 2007
小小彌"樂"佛 Little happy buddha
弟弟才六天大就會笑了! 這天晚上餵完奶之後, 阿媽正抱著弟弟, 弟弟突然笑開了, 阿媽好驚喜, 正在懊惱沒照到相, 弟弟突然又笑了一次, 這次爸爸有抓到鏡頭, 可愛吧!
Kareem is only 6 days old but he already knows how to smile! After feeding Kareem tonight, grandma saw Kareem smiling. She was so happy and she immediately called Ali to get the camera. And Kareem smiled again....how cute it was!!
Kareem is only 6 days old but he already knows how to smile! After feeding Kareem tonight, grandma saw Kareem smiling. She was so happy and she immediately called Ali to get the camera. And Kareem smiled again....how cute it was!!

當小肉包遇上小可可 When Hasan met Kareem
小肉包和可可在醫院的第一次相遇. 小肉包其實很愛護可可, 一點也沒有忌妒或吃醋的樣子, 但是我們家這隻蠻牛常常搞不清自己的力氣有多大, 也搞不清弟弟還很小很軟這件事, 所以每次要抱抱弟弟或親親弟弟的時候常常整個人就壓在弟弟身上, 我都很擔心弟弟會被這隻蠻牛壓扁.
This was the first time when Hasan met Kareem in the hospital. Hasan loves Kareem very much and doesn't show any sign of jealousy at all. But the problem is he doesn't know how much strength he has and how small and soft Kareem is. Every time when he wants to hold Kareem or kiss Kareem, he moves all his body on top of Kereem.
This was the first time when Hasan met Kareem in the hospital. Hasan loves Kareem very much and doesn't show any sign of jealousy at all. But the problem is he doesn't know how much strength he has and how small and soft Kareem is. Every time when he wants to hold Kareem or kiss Kareem, he moves all his body on top of Kereem.
愛美的小肉包 Hasan's beauty
小肉包對自己的外表很注重, 每天洗完澡一定要梳頭髮, 看到我化妝就會吵著要塗腮紅或口紅, 還常常會自己跑去量體重, 好像很怕自己變胖似的.
Hasan cares about his appearance very much. He has to comb his hair every time after shower. He asks to put on my makeups whenever he sees me doing that. He also weighs himself once in a while as if he is so afriad of gaining that extra pound.
外婆這個禮拜過來一起住, 幫忙照顧弟弟. 一天早上小肉包偷拿外婆放在櫃子裡面的面霜, 開始有樣學樣的塗了起來, 塗得自己滿頭滿臉的, 簡直就是個油頭粉面的小生, 把我們都笑翻了.
Grandma stays with us this week to help taking care of Kareem. This morning Hasan stole grandma's facial cream and put it all over his face and hair. It was so funny!
Hasan cares about his appearance very much. He has to comb his hair every time after shower. He asks to put on my makeups whenever he sees me doing that. He also weighs himself once in a while as if he is so afriad of gaining that extra pound.
外婆這個禮拜過來一起住, 幫忙照顧弟弟. 一天早上小肉包偷拿外婆放在櫃子裡面的面霜, 開始有樣學樣的塗了起來, 塗得自己滿頭滿臉的, 簡直就是個油頭粉面的小生, 把我們都笑翻了.
Grandma stays with us this week to help taking care of Kareem. This morning Hasan stole grandma's facial cream and put it all over his face and hair. It was so funny!

December 12, 2007
歡迎小可可 Welcome Kareem!
小可可 12/8 誕生了, 媽媽還在坐月子所以不能花太多時間在部落格上, 就先放上可可的照片讓大家先睹為快吧! 可可重 8 磅 6 oz, 足足比小肉包重了 1 磅! 不過可可的頭比較小, 所以這次媽媽生的比較輕鬆一些.
December 07, 2007
我的愛打姑姑 My aunt Aida
愛打姑姑來住了一個禮拜, 可惜天氣太冷都沒出去照相, 只有幾張在家裡照的生活照.
Aida gugu (aunt Aida) stayed with us for a week. Too bad it was too cold to go out and take pictures, so we only took some pictures at home.
小肉包和愛打姑姑感情可好呢! 每天都愛打姑姑長愛打姑姑短的叫個不停.
Hasan enjoyed his time with Aida gugu so much! He called Aida gugu all the time.
Aida gugu (aunt Aida) stayed with us for a week. Too bad it was too cold to go out and take pictures, so we only took some pictures at home.
小肉包和愛打姑姑感情可好呢! 每天都愛打姑姑長愛打姑姑短的叫個不停.
Hasan enjoyed his time with Aida gugu so much! He called Aida gugu all the time.
December 04, 2007
專訪小肉包 Interviewing Hasan (in Mandarin)
現在已經很能夠和爸爸媽媽對答如流了. 以下是媽媽訪問小肉包的片段:
For those who don't understand Mandarin, sorry you won't be able to understand our conversations. But we promise to have daddy interview Hasan in English very soon!
For those who don't understand Mandarin, sorry you won't be able to understand our conversations. But we promise to have daddy interview Hasan in English very soon!
December 01, 2007
今天早上去看婦產科醫生, 醫生跟我說開到兩指半了, 問我想不想今天生, 如果準備好的話, 她可以今天幫我催生. 想想挺恐怖的呢! 只是來看個診就要生, 感覺很草率的樣子, 所以我跟她說還沒準備好. 醫生說好吧, 那下禮拜六來看診的時候不要帶 Hasan 來, 我們下禮拜六準備催生吧!
天啊! Kareem 有可能下禮拜六就要出來跟大家見面囉!
天啊! Kareem 有可能下禮拜六就要出來跟大家見面囉!
November 28, 2007
小肉包的第二個感恩節 Hasan's 2nd Thanksgiving
今年感恩節因為媽咪肚子太大了, 所以只請了親戚和兩個朋友, 因為不想太累. 感謝外婆, 阿姨們, 和舅媽的幫忙, 媽咪輕鬆好多呢! 還要謝謝Ken舅舅充當攝影師喔! 我最開心了, 因為大家都陪我玩.
This year we only invited relatives and 2 friends over for Thanksgiving because it's too close to mommy's due day and we didn't want mommy to overwork. Thanks to grandma and aunts' help to prepare for this delicious meal! Also thanks to our professional camera man uncle Ken! I was the happiest because everyone enjoyed spending time playing with me!
This year we only invited relatives and 2 friends over for Thanksgiving because it's too close to mommy's due day and we didn't want mommy to overwork. Thanks to grandma and aunts' help to prepare for this delicious meal! Also thanks to our professional camera man uncle Ken! I was the happiest because everyone enjoyed spending time playing with me!
November 27, 2007
學英文 Learning English
小肉包會從A唸到Z了! 這都是褓母阿姨的功勞, 褓母阿姨還有教他認中文字呢! 現在會認一些簡單的字了, 例如: 你, 我, 大, 小, 上, 下, 天.... 之類的. 不過要拍下來可還需要一點運氣, 因為小肉包一看到照相機就開始不安分, 绝不會乖乖的讓我拍的.
Thanks to our super nanny, Hasan can now read from A to Z! Our super nanny also taught Hasan to recognize some simple Chinese characters. But it's pretty difficult for me to record his progress, because Hasan gets all excited as soon as he sees the camera. There is no way he would sit still and do whatever I ask him to do in front of a camera!
被褓母阿姨碰到產生靜電 還會大叫"有電"呢!
Thanks to our super nanny, Hasan can now read from A to Z! Our super nanny also taught Hasan to recognize some simple Chinese characters. But it's pretty difficult for me to record his progress, because Hasan gets all excited as soon as he sees the camera. There is no way he would sit still and do whatever I ask him to do in front of a camera!
被褓母阿姨碰到產生靜電 還會大叫"有電"呢!
November 26, 2007
公園公園 Park again!
天氣愈來愈冷, 我們好久沒帶小肉包去公園跑跑了. 趁著上週末陽光普照, 我們三人包得緊緊的, 牙根一咬決定還是要出去走走, 不然在家裡坐久了會發霉的.
It's getting colder and colder so Hasan has been sitting at home for a while. Last weekend we took advantage of the sunny day and decided to take Hasan to the park again.
但是這種天氣真是睡覺的好天氣, 尤其是小肉包又穿上大外套, 太陽照得暖暖的, 還沒走到公園他就已經在推車上睡著了.
But sitting in his stroller under the sun with his big jacket on, Hasan felt asleep before we even reached the park.

爸爸很狠心的把他放到盪鞦韆上面, 他還是繼續睡.
Daddy put sleeping Hasan in the swing, but he didn't wake up at all.
盪了兩分鐘後醒來了, 馬上就和媽咪玩得很開心, 笑得超可愛.
Two minutes later, he woke up and found himself on the swing. He immediately started laughing and enjoying time with mommy.
Mommy was having a good time too!

完全清醒了之後, 他決定要挑戰公園裡面難度最高的玩意兒. 這可不是開玩笑, 高度比爸爸還高很多呢! 而且他這天穿兩件褲子, 根本是行動不便. 但是初生之犢不畏虎, 看得我可是冷汗直冒. 不過任務完成之後, 看他很開心的站在頂端大聲的"耶"的樣子, 我們也開心極了.
After a while, he decided to climb up to this tallest "ladder" in the park. I was so worried because this thing was taller than daddy! And Hasan was wearing two pants and a big jacket so it's not easy for him to move. However, he wasn't afraid of the height at all. After he accomplished the job, he was so happy and screamed out "yeah" loudly. It made us feel so happy too!
It's getting colder and colder so Hasan has been sitting at home for a while. Last weekend we took advantage of the sunny day and decided to take Hasan to the park again.
但是這種天氣真是睡覺的好天氣, 尤其是小肉包又穿上大外套, 太陽照得暖暖的, 還沒走到公園他就已經在推車上睡著了.
But sitting in his stroller under the sun with his big jacket on, Hasan felt asleep before we even reached the park.

爸爸很狠心的把他放到盪鞦韆上面, 他還是繼續睡.
Daddy put sleeping Hasan in the swing, but he didn't wake up at all.
盪了兩分鐘後醒來了, 馬上就和媽咪玩得很開心, 笑得超可愛.
Two minutes later, he woke up and found himself on the swing. He immediately started laughing and enjoying time with mommy.
Mommy was having a good time too!

完全清醒了之後, 他決定要挑戰公園裡面難度最高的玩意兒. 這可不是開玩笑, 高度比爸爸還高很多呢! 而且他這天穿兩件褲子, 根本是行動不便. 但是初生之犢不畏虎, 看得我可是冷汗直冒. 不過任務完成之後, 看他很開心的站在頂端大聲的"耶"的樣子, 我們也開心極了.
After a while, he decided to climb up to this tallest "ladder" in the park. I was so worried because this thing was taller than daddy! And Hasan was wearing two pants and a big jacket so it's not easy for him to move. However, he wasn't afraid of the height at all. After he accomplished the job, he was so happy and screamed out "yeah" loudly. It made us feel so happy too!
November 15, 2007
從兩個月前開始, 我和阿里就一直灌輸小肉包弟弟即將來臨的概念. 每天我都會指著肚子跟他說"弟弟快要出來囉"! 當我叫他親親弟弟的時候, 他也會過來親親我的肚子. 最近我們教他講爸爸媽媽的名字, 他知道爸爸叫做"阿里巴巴", 媽媽叫做"Portia" (但他唸起來像"趴下"), 順便也教他弟弟叫做"Kareem". 總之我們一逮到機會就一直灌輸家裡將會有新成員的概念.
今天早上他醒來後, 咚咚咚咚的跑到我們房間(註一), 爬到床上跟我們說早安. 我和爸爸正睡眼惺忪, 他突然指著爸爸最近有點發福微凸的肚子大叫"Kareem"! 我一時還沒會意過來, 等到想清楚, 實在忍不住要狂笑. 原來這小子根本沒搞清楚弟弟是個什麼東西, 還以為只要有小腹的就叫做"弟弟"呢! 爸爸可尷尬了, 一直跟小肉包解釋說爸爸的小肚子是因為最近天冷沒運動, 不是"弟弟"在裡面啦! 看來小朋友還真是不會說謊, 身材有點走樣都會被發現.
註一: 沒錯, 小肉包已經可以在自己的房間獨立的睡過夜了! 兩個多禮拜前小肉包的新床終於送來, 我們就開始訓練他自己睡在自己房間的床上. 本來以為會是一場苦戰, 沒想到才兩天他就自己一覺到天亮, 反而是我和爸爸不習慣, 常常半夜起來上廁所的時候偷跑到小肉包房間去看他有沒有踢被, 有時候還甚至趁檢查踢被的時候就睡到小肉包床上去了, 爸爸還跟我坦白他很想念跟小肉包一起睡覺的日子呢! 每天早上小肉包起床後, 就會自己跑到我們房間來叫我們起床. 他的腳步聲超大, 常常從他房間咚咚咚咚的跑到我們房間的路上就已經把我吵醒, 真可愛. 分房睡之後睡眠品質真的好了許多, 不過再享受一個月弟弟就要來啦! 到時候又要開始沒日沒夜的生活囉!
今天早上他醒來後, 咚咚咚咚的跑到我們房間(註一), 爬到床上跟我們說早安. 我和爸爸正睡眼惺忪, 他突然指著爸爸最近有點發福微凸的肚子大叫"Kareem"! 我一時還沒會意過來, 等到想清楚, 實在忍不住要狂笑. 原來這小子根本沒搞清楚弟弟是個什麼東西, 還以為只要有小腹的就叫做"弟弟"呢! 爸爸可尷尬了, 一直跟小肉包解釋說爸爸的小肚子是因為最近天冷沒運動, 不是"弟弟"在裡面啦! 看來小朋友還真是不會說謊, 身材有點走樣都會被發現.
註一: 沒錯, 小肉包已經可以在自己的房間獨立的睡過夜了! 兩個多禮拜前小肉包的新床終於送來, 我們就開始訓練他自己睡在自己房間的床上. 本來以為會是一場苦戰, 沒想到才兩天他就自己一覺到天亮, 反而是我和爸爸不習慣, 常常半夜起來上廁所的時候偷跑到小肉包房間去看他有沒有踢被, 有時候還甚至趁檢查踢被的時候就睡到小肉包床上去了, 爸爸還跟我坦白他很想念跟小肉包一起睡覺的日子呢! 每天早上小肉包起床後, 就會自己跑到我們房間來叫我們起床. 他的腳步聲超大, 常常從他房間咚咚咚咚的跑到我們房間的路上就已經把我吵醒, 真可愛. 分房睡之後睡眠品質真的好了許多, 不過再享受一個月弟弟就要來啦! 到時候又要開始沒日沒夜的生活囉!
November 11, 2007
結婚紀念日 - 第二部
除了早上的驚喜之外, 這天我們本來就約好了請阿里以前的同事張海峰一家人過來吃brunch. 由於我最近不知怎麼突然很想吃薑餅, 之前就已經從 food network 上下載了薑餅和薑麵包的食譜, 所以在張海峰一家人到達之前, 趕快烤了一個薑麵包, 想說客人到的時候正好可以吃香噴噴熱騰騰剛出爐的麵包. 沒想到阿里從來沒吃過薑麵包和薑餅乾, 吃了之後覺得非常好吃, 這麼大的一個薑麵包, 阿里一人大概吃了一半以上吧! 食譜如下:
我有把裡面糖的份量減少一半, 這樣甜度剛剛好. 如果按照裡面的份量, 我想可能就要叫薑蛋糕而不是薑麵包了.

我有把裡面糖的份量減少一半, 這樣甜度剛剛好. 如果按照裡面的份量, 我想可能就要叫薑蛋糕而不是薑麵包了.

小肉包和啟亞姊姊很久沒見了, 好像很生疏的樣子. 但是兩個人看起卡通影片都是一個樣子 - 一動也不動, 呵呵!
張海峰一家人離開後, 趁小肉包睡午覺之際, 我又跑去做了薑餅乾, 食譜如下:
薑餅烤出來香香的, 連正在睡午覺的小肉包都聞香醒來, 我們三個人於是享受了一個悠閒的下午茶時光, 這種冷冷的天氣裡吃薑餅配熱茶, 感覺超溫馨的. 食譜上說可以做三打餅乾左右, 但是以我做的size來講, 竟然作出了將近六打, 為了避免阿里和小肉包吃太多甜食, (而且自己做了才知道這種東西真的很肥,) 就順便包了幾包餅乾送給鄰居, 做一下敦親睦鄰的工作.
午茶過後, 我們想說帶小肉包出去走走, 但是外面太冷, 只好帶去mall裡晃晃. 看他眼睛盯著旋轉木馬目不轉睛的, 想說給他試騎一下, 沒想到這小子膽小的要命, 整個過程一直哇哇大叫, 連馬背都不敢坐上去, 簡直遜斃了.
November 10, 2007
去年的結婚紀念日之所以難忘, 是因為花了很多錢.
時間過得真快, 轉眼又一年了. 今年的結婚紀念日因為是在週末, 褓母不上班, 所以我們說好禮拜一放退伍軍人節假的時候再來慶祝. 我安排了先去吃一頓好吃的brunch, 再去看李安的色.戒, 所以這幾天正積極的找餐廳中. (當然不會再去去年的六百元日本料理店啦!) 除此之外, 我也沒有多準備什麼禮物.
沒想到今天早上一起床, 我都還沒刷牙洗臉, 正值睡眼惺忪, 阿里叫小肉包拿了一包東西來給我, 裡面有一張卡片和一個禮物. 我不知道他有準備禮物給我, 所以收到這個禮物已經很出乎我意料之外. 把卡片打開來看, 更是讓我感動萬分. 卡片封面寫著: "I don't remember the exact moment when I first fell in love with you.....," 打開裡面, 繼續寫到: ".....but every time when I am with you, I fall in love all over again." 阿里說, 他大約十年前在逛街的時候, 覺得這張卡片很棒, 所以就買了, 但是一直沒有適合的人可以送, 現在終於找到了, 所以送給我. 我看一看卡片, 還真的是舊舊的, 而且標籤上寫著是在新新那提買的. 雖然他那套故事我不是很信, (我猜想一定是本來想買給哪個女朋友, 後來一直沒有送出去,) 不過還是覺得很感動, 眼淚就流下來了.
故事還沒有結束. 看完卡片之後, 我打開禮物, 盒子裡面竟然是用錫箔紙包的一個小bagel, 寫著: "希望在這個特別的日子能和你分享這個全麥bagel." 我看了哈哈大笑, 也覺得這點子挺溫馨的, 所以我們三個人就坐在床上把那個bagel分著吃掉了. 吃著吃著, 阿里突然又從枕頭後面拿出真正的禮物, 我拆開一看, 竟然是一只Omega的手錶. 原來他去黎巴嫩回程在巴黎轉機的時候就已經買好了, 只是一直沒有讓我知道. 這一連串的驚喜真的是我沒有預料到的, 而且我真的是什麼也沒準備. 當我跟他講說: "可是我沒有禮物給你耶!" 他指著我的肚子說: "Kareem 就是今年最棒的禮物啦!"
不知道要怎麼替這個故事結尾. 今天真的是很開心也很難忘.
時間過得真快, 轉眼又一年了. 今年的結婚紀念日因為是在週末, 褓母不上班, 所以我們說好禮拜一放退伍軍人節假的時候再來慶祝. 我安排了先去吃一頓好吃的brunch, 再去看李安的色.戒, 所以這幾天正積極的找餐廳中. (當然不會再去去年的六百元日本料理店啦!) 除此之外, 我也沒有多準備什麼禮物.
沒想到今天早上一起床, 我都還沒刷牙洗臉, 正值睡眼惺忪, 阿里叫小肉包拿了一包東西來給我, 裡面有一張卡片和一個禮物. 我不知道他有準備禮物給我, 所以收到這個禮物已經很出乎我意料之外. 把卡片打開來看, 更是讓我感動萬分. 卡片封面寫著: "I don't remember the exact moment when I first fell in love with you.....," 打開裡面, 繼續寫到: ".....but every time when I am with you, I fall in love all over again." 阿里說, 他大約十年前在逛街的時候, 覺得這張卡片很棒, 所以就買了, 但是一直沒有適合的人可以送, 現在終於找到了, 所以送給我. 我看一看卡片, 還真的是舊舊的, 而且標籤上寫著是在新新那提買的. 雖然他那套故事我不是很信, (我猜想一定是本來想買給哪個女朋友, 後來一直沒有送出去,) 不過還是覺得很感動, 眼淚就流下來了.
故事還沒有結束. 看完卡片之後, 我打開禮物, 盒子裡面竟然是用錫箔紙包的一個小bagel, 寫著: "希望在這個特別的日子能和你分享這個全麥bagel." 我看了哈哈大笑, 也覺得這點子挺溫馨的, 所以我們三個人就坐在床上把那個bagel分著吃掉了. 吃著吃著, 阿里突然又從枕頭後面拿出真正的禮物, 我拆開一看, 竟然是一只Omega的手錶. 原來他去黎巴嫩回程在巴黎轉機的時候就已經買好了, 只是一直沒有讓我知道. 這一連串的驚喜真的是我沒有預料到的, 而且我真的是什麼也沒準備. 當我跟他講說: "可是我沒有禮物給你耶!" 他指著我的肚子說: "Kareem 就是今年最棒的禮物啦!"
不知道要怎麼替這個故事結尾. 今天真的是很開心也很難忘.
November 04, 2007
又去公園玩了 In the park again
今天調整日光節約時間, 多了一個小時, 所以我們三人都起得很早. 小肉包在家無聊, 又開始坐不住, 看看外面天氣還不錯, 我們於是決定帶他去公園走一走.
Today we gained one extra hour from the day light saving time. Hasan was getting bored at home, so we took him for a walk to the park.
想說和這小子照張母子照, 但他就是不肯乖乖面對相機.
I wanted to take a nice picture with him, but he just didn't want to stand still in front of the camera.

小肉包爬上爬下的時候, 手上總喜歡拿個什麼東西, 就是不喜歡兩手好好抓住欄杆, 不禁讓人捏一把冷汗.
He likes to hold onto something in his palm instead of holding onto the rail when he climbs up. Sometimes it makes me very nervous.
順便報上笑話一則. 他在公園裡跑跑跳跳時遇的一個兩歲的日本小女生, 小肉包好像很喜歡人家, 先是很靦腆地向小姊姊招招手, 後來更是伸出手硬拉起小姊姊的手來握握, 然後不知道哪跟筋不對勁, 就直接熱情的往小姊姊身上撲過去想要抱抱, 結果衝得太猛, 把小姊姊整個人撂倒在地上, 他自己全身壓在小姊姊身上, 小姊姊和小姊姊的媽媽都呆掉了, 小姊姊當然更是馬上號啕大哭起來, 害我和阿里趕忙跑去跟人家道歉. 寶貝你也太熱情了一點吧!!!
Here is another joke. He saw a 2-year-old Japanese girl in the park today. He liked this little girl so much, so he waved at her first. Then he grabed her hand and started shaking. And then he walked towards the girl trying to hug her. But he didn't balance well and ended up pushing the girl down to the ground. His whole body was on top of the little girl's. The girl and her mom were both shocked, and the girl immediately started crying. Ali and I had to go apologize to the girl and her mom. Baby, don't you think you did too much on the first date?
Today we gained one extra hour from the day light saving time. Hasan was getting bored at home, so we took him for a walk to the park.
想說和這小子照張母子照, 但他就是不肯乖乖面對相機.
I wanted to take a nice picture with him, but he just didn't want to stand still in front of the camera.

小肉包爬上爬下的時候, 手上總喜歡拿個什麼東西, 就是不喜歡兩手好好抓住欄杆, 不禁讓人捏一把冷汗.
He likes to hold onto something in his palm instead of holding onto the rail when he climbs up. Sometimes it makes me very nervous.
順便報上笑話一則. 他在公園裡跑跑跳跳時遇的一個兩歲的日本小女生, 小肉包好像很喜歡人家, 先是很靦腆地向小姊姊招招手, 後來更是伸出手硬拉起小姊姊的手來握握, 然後不知道哪跟筋不對勁, 就直接熱情的往小姊姊身上撲過去想要抱抱, 結果衝得太猛, 把小姊姊整個人撂倒在地上, 他自己全身壓在小姊姊身上, 小姊姊和小姊姊的媽媽都呆掉了, 小姊姊當然更是馬上號啕大哭起來, 害我和阿里趕忙跑去跟人家道歉. 寶貝你也太熱情了一點吧!!!
Here is another joke. He saw a 2-year-old Japanese girl in the park today. He liked this little girl so much, so he waved at her first. Then he grabed her hand and started shaking. And then he walked towards the girl trying to hug her. But he didn't balance well and ended up pushing the girl down to the ground. His whole body was on top of the little girl's. The girl and her mom were both shocked, and the girl immediately started crying. Ali and I had to go apologize to the girl and her mom. Baby, don't you think you did too much on the first date?
November 03, 2007
十八個月的語言進展 Hasan's language skills at 18 months
Do you remember Hasan's language skills at 14 months?
現在十八個月了. 在這四個月間, 小肉包的語言進展神速, 現在已經幾乎能跟我們做簡單的對答了. 下面是兩個小實例.
Now he is 18 months old. During these 4 months, Hasan's language skills progressed very fast. Now he can already made simple conversations with us. Here are two examples.
Example 1
某天晚上, 我們請珍妮阿姨來吃飯. 我跟小肉包說珍妮阿姨等一下要來喔! 小肉包馬上拿起我們的結婚相簿, 翻到有珍妮阿姨的那一頁, 指著阿姨跟我說 "珍妮阿姨," 嚇了我一跳, 想說他記性怎麼這麼好, 珍妮阿姨可是好久不見了呢!
We invited aunt Jenny over for dinner one day. I told Hasan "aunt Jenny is coming tonight," and he immediately opened our wedding album and pointed out a picture with aunt Jenny in it, and said "aunt Jenny." I was surprised how good his memory was because aunt Jenny hasn't visited us for a long time!
珍妮阿姨來了之後, 看到我的大肚子, 跟我說 "好久不見, 肚子真的變得好大喔!" 小肉包一聽到 "好大" 這兩個字, 馬上用手指著珍妮阿姨的胸部說 "好大" (是真的! 我一點都沒誇張! 他真的指著珍妮阿姨的胸部! 我和珍妮阿姨都笑翻了......) 這小子怎麼會有這種反應呢? 到底是哪裡學來的? (以上全是中文對話.)
After aunt Jenny arrived, she looked at my big belly and said "long time no see, your belly really becomes so big!" As soon as Hasan heard the magic word "so big," he immediately pointed at aunt Jenny's breasts and said "so big." (I am not kidding! He really pointed at her breasts! Aunt Jenny and I were laughing so hard......) How come he had such a reaction? Where did he learn that from? (The above conversation was all in Mandarin.)
Example 2
今天早上, 小肉包把我的眼鏡弄壞了. 他不知道哪來的蠻力, 把鏡片硬是從鏡框上拔了下來. (幸好鏡片是塑膠的.) 我很生氣, 大聲罵了他, 爸爸跑過來叫他跟我道歉, 他很不情願, 背靠著牆壁, 就是不肯往我這邊走過來. 爸爸又一次跟他說, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他用英文回答 "no," 爸爸再講了第三次, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他可能是懷疑剛剛講英文爸爸聽不懂, 又用中文說了一次 "不要," 我和爸爸當場笑翻了, 竟然中英並用, 就是要讓爸爸知道他不想跟媽媽道歉. (以上與爸爸的對話是英文對話.)
This morning Hasan broke my glasses. I was very mad at him and I yelled at him. Daddy came over and asked him to say sorry to me. He stood against the wall and didn't want to come over to apologize. Daddy said again, "go say sorry to mommy," and he said in English "no." Daddy said the third time, "go say sorry to mommy." He probably thought that daddy didn't understand him when he said "no," so this time he responded in Mandarin "no." Daddy and I couldn't stop laughing....he used both English and Mandarin to make sure daddy understand that he didn't want to apologize to mommy. (The above conversation with daddy was in English.)
I don't think we need to worry about Hasan's language skills anymore!
Do you remember Hasan's language skills at 14 months?
現在十八個月了. 在這四個月間, 小肉包的語言進展神速, 現在已經幾乎能跟我們做簡單的對答了. 下面是兩個小實例.
Now he is 18 months old. During these 4 months, Hasan's language skills progressed very fast. Now he can already made simple conversations with us. Here are two examples.
Example 1
某天晚上, 我們請珍妮阿姨來吃飯. 我跟小肉包說珍妮阿姨等一下要來喔! 小肉包馬上拿起我們的結婚相簿, 翻到有珍妮阿姨的那一頁, 指著阿姨跟我說 "珍妮阿姨," 嚇了我一跳, 想說他記性怎麼這麼好, 珍妮阿姨可是好久不見了呢!
We invited aunt Jenny over for dinner one day. I told Hasan "aunt Jenny is coming tonight," and he immediately opened our wedding album and pointed out a picture with aunt Jenny in it, and said "aunt Jenny." I was surprised how good his memory was because aunt Jenny hasn't visited us for a long time!
珍妮阿姨來了之後, 看到我的大肚子, 跟我說 "好久不見, 肚子真的變得好大喔!" 小肉包一聽到 "好大" 這兩個字, 馬上用手指著珍妮阿姨的胸部說 "好大" (是真的! 我一點都沒誇張! 他真的指著珍妮阿姨的胸部! 我和珍妮阿姨都笑翻了......) 這小子怎麼會有這種反應呢? 到底是哪裡學來的? (以上全是中文對話.)
After aunt Jenny arrived, she looked at my big belly and said "long time no see, your belly really becomes so big!" As soon as Hasan heard the magic word "so big," he immediately pointed at aunt Jenny's breasts and said "so big." (I am not kidding! He really pointed at her breasts! Aunt Jenny and I were laughing so hard......) How come he had such a reaction? Where did he learn that from? (The above conversation was all in Mandarin.)
Example 2
今天早上, 小肉包把我的眼鏡弄壞了. 他不知道哪來的蠻力, 把鏡片硬是從鏡框上拔了下來. (幸好鏡片是塑膠的.) 我很生氣, 大聲罵了他, 爸爸跑過來叫他跟我道歉, 他很不情願, 背靠著牆壁, 就是不肯往我這邊走過來. 爸爸又一次跟他說, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他用英文回答 "no," 爸爸再講了第三次, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他可能是懷疑剛剛講英文爸爸聽不懂, 又用中文說了一次 "不要," 我和爸爸當場笑翻了, 竟然中英並用, 就是要讓爸爸知道他不想跟媽媽道歉. (以上與爸爸的對話是英文對話.)
This morning Hasan broke my glasses. I was very mad at him and I yelled at him. Daddy came over and asked him to say sorry to me. He stood against the wall and didn't want to come over to apologize. Daddy said again, "go say sorry to mommy," and he said in English "no." Daddy said the third time, "go say sorry to mommy." He probably thought that daddy didn't understand him when he said "no," so this time he responded in Mandarin "no." Daddy and I couldn't stop laughing....he used both English and Mandarin to make sure daddy understand that he didn't want to apologize to mommy. (The above conversation with daddy was in English.)
I don't think we need to worry about Hasan's language skills anymore!
November 02, 2007
今天下午帶小肉包去做十八個月的體檢. 小肉包一進診所就顯得有點膽怯, 好像記得上次被打針的情形一樣, 護士小姐先來幫他量身高體重, 量體重的時候還乖乖的, 要量身高時就開始害怕, 後來就哭了起來, 怎麼樣也不肯站到尺的前面, 護士小姐只好作罷.
醫生進來之後, 褓母一把小肉包放上診療台, 小肉包就全身肌肉緊繃, 充滿戒心. 醫生叔叔很耐心的跟他玩了幾下, 裝小鳥叫還畫圖給他看, 好不容易舒緩了他緊張的情緒, 但是一拿出聽診器, 小肉包又不行了, 開始號啕大哭起來, 一直想從診療台上下來, 後來拿出看耳朵的燈, 他又哭得更猛了, 小肉包的力氣又很大, 褓母根本抓不住他, 真是為難醫生了.
臨走前又挨了一針, 不過打針的時候反倒沒有聽診時哭的那麼凶, 打完針還留著眼淚抽抽噎噎地跟醫生說謝謝, 真是有禮貌的孩子啊!
小肉包十八個月的身高是34.5吋, 在90百分比, 體重29磅, 在80百分比, 還是健康寶寶一隻喔!
醫生進來之後, 褓母一把小肉包放上診療台, 小肉包就全身肌肉緊繃, 充滿戒心. 醫生叔叔很耐心的跟他玩了幾下, 裝小鳥叫還畫圖給他看, 好不容易舒緩了他緊張的情緒, 但是一拿出聽診器, 小肉包又不行了, 開始號啕大哭起來, 一直想從診療台上下來, 後來拿出看耳朵的燈, 他又哭得更猛了, 小肉包的力氣又很大, 褓母根本抓不住他, 真是為難醫生了.
臨走前又挨了一針, 不過打針的時候反倒沒有聽診時哭的那麼凶, 打完針還留著眼淚抽抽噎噎地跟醫生說謝謝, 真是有禮貌的孩子啊!
小肉包十八個月的身高是34.5吋, 在90百分比, 體重29磅, 在80百分比, 還是健康寶寶一隻喔!
幫媽媽掃地 Helping mommy
趁著幫小肉包和弟弟買床的時候, 我和爸爸也把自己的床升等成king size, 所以今天早上睡醒爸爸就把床拆了, 等著家具公司送新床來. 床拆了之後想當然的出現許多原本藏在床底下的灰塵, 我就去拿了拖把想把灰塵弄乾淨.
Ali and I upgraded our queen bed to a king size bed when we were shopping for Hasan and Kareem's beds. This morning after everyone woke up, daddy disassembled our old bed to clean up the space for our new bed. As we imagine, after removing the old bed, we saw a lot of dust. So I went to grab a mop to clean it up.
小肉包真的很雞婆, 看到我在清地板, 就嚷著要幫忙, 不給他拖把他還要大叫呢! 想到昨天Tricia的留言, 小朋友吵的時候就給他點工作讓他覺得有在幫忙, 不如我就將計就計, 派個工作給他讓他來幫幫忙, 看他會不會乖一點.
As soon as Hasan saw me cleaning the floor, he wanted to grab the mop from me. So I took the opportunity to assign this task to him to see if he would quiet down if he's occupied with something important.
He's working very hard!
Ali and I upgraded our queen bed to a king size bed when we were shopping for Hasan and Kareem's beds. This morning after everyone woke up, daddy disassembled our old bed to clean up the space for our new bed. As we imagine, after removing the old bed, we saw a lot of dust. So I went to grab a mop to clean it up.
小肉包真的很雞婆, 看到我在清地板, 就嚷著要幫忙, 不給他拖把他還要大叫呢! 想到昨天Tricia的留言, 小朋友吵的時候就給他點工作讓他覺得有在幫忙, 不如我就將計就計, 派個工作給他讓他來幫幫忙, 看他會不會乖一點.
As soon as Hasan saw me cleaning the floor, he wanted to grab the mop from me. So I took the opportunity to assign this task to him to see if he would quiet down if he's occupied with something important.
He's working very hard!
November 01, 2007
爸爸版的床邊故事 Daddy's bed time story
這天爸爸心血來潮想要給小肉包講睡前故事, (通常都是我在講,) 於是我就把這個難得的爸爸版床邊故事拍下來.
Daddy wanted to read Hasan a bed time story (usually it's my job), so I videotaped this once-in-a-life-time daddy's version of bed time story.
這是小肉包最喜歡的一本圖畫書, 裡面的東西他幾乎都叫得出名字來了! 包括金字塔, 人面獅身像, 巴黎鐵塔等等不常見的東西也都學會了.
This is one of Hasan's favorate books. He pretty much knows everything in this book, even including pyramid, sphinx, and Eiffel tower that we don't see everyday.
爸爸講故事很敷衍吧! 一直想要草草打發人家.
Daddy was so mean that he didn't want to spend quality time with Hasan - he just wanted to finish this task as soon as possible.
Daddy wanted to read Hasan a bed time story (usually it's my job), so I videotaped this once-in-a-life-time daddy's version of bed time story.
這是小肉包最喜歡的一本圖畫書, 裡面的東西他幾乎都叫得出名字來了! 包括金字塔, 人面獅身像, 巴黎鐵塔等等不常見的東西也都學會了.
This is one of Hasan's favorate books. He pretty much knows everything in this book, even including pyramid, sphinx, and Eiffel tower that we don't see everyday.
爸爸講故事很敷衍吧! 一直想要草草打發人家.
Daddy was so mean that he didn't want to spend quality time with Hasan - he just wanted to finish this task as soon as possible.
生活短片 Something about Hasan
自從小肉包會數數之後, 只要一提到與數字有關的東西, 他就會開始亂數一通, 下面就是一個例子. 爸爸問他幾歲, 他竟然回答一二三四五, (而且還有濃厚的口音, 聽起來好像是在說 "一二夾擠五").
Ever since Hasan learned how to count, whenever we asked him something related to numbers, he would start counting. This was a good example: when daddy asked him "how old are you," he answered "one two three four five" (in Mandarin) with very strong and weird accent.
第二段短片是他唱歌跳舞. 我不得不說這孩子還真沒有音樂細胞, 唱起咿呀咿呀喲來跟唸歌一樣, 一點旋律也沒有, 跳舞也跟在運功一樣.
The second video was Hasan singing and dancing. I have to say that this kid was not born with any music bud. When he sang "i-a-i-a-o" it sounded as if he was "reading" not "singing." And when he was dancing, it looked as if he was practicing some "tai-kwon-do."
Ever since Hasan learned how to count, whenever we asked him something related to numbers, he would start counting. This was a good example: when daddy asked him "how old are you," he answered "one two three four five" (in Mandarin) with very strong and weird accent.
第二段短片是他唱歌跳舞. 我不得不說這孩子還真沒有音樂細胞, 唱起咿呀咿呀喲來跟唸歌一樣, 一點旋律也沒有, 跳舞也跟在運功一樣.
The second video was Hasan singing and dancing. I have to say that this kid was not born with any music bud. When he sang "i-a-i-a-o" it sounded as if he was "reading" not "singing." And when he was dancing, it looked as if he was practicing some "tai-kwon-do."
萬聖節 Trick or treat!
今年萬聖節小肉包裝扮成小皇帝, (好啦, 媽媽懶惰直接就用了小肉包一歲生日時穿過的服裝, 不過這套皇帝裝可頗受好評, 每個人都問哪裡買的呢!)
This year's Halloween Hasan was in his little emperor costume. (Fine, mommy was too lazy to buy Hasan a new costume, so I just put his one-year-old birthday dress on him. But everyone we met loved his little emperor costume and asked me where to buy it!)
小肉包皇帝整好裝, 和媽媽出發去要糖果囉!
Little emperor brought his pumpkin basket and went to trick or treat with mommy!

看他小小個頭的提著南瓜籃子搖搖擺擺的走著, 真可愛.
He was so cute walking down the hall with his little pumpkin basket.
一開始他還搞不清到底是要幹麻. 我替他敲了兩家人的門, 示範兩次之後, 他很快了解這項活動是要把人家擺到他面前的糖果往自己的籃子裡放. 所以到了第三家人家門口之後, 他就很自動的開始不客氣的大把抓起糖果餅乾來了.
At first he didn't really know what this was about. After knocking on a couple of doors, he soon understood that he was supposed to grab whatever people presented in front of him and put it in his own basket. So starting from the third door, he was already an expert of trick-or-treating.
他很喜歡這家人門口擺的南瓜燈, 要完了糖果後還一直盯著看不肯走.
He loved this pumpkin decoration so much that he didn't want to leave even after they closed the door.
我們大樓規定, 要參加萬聖節要糖活動的人家, 要在門口掛個南瓜的圖案, 小朋友才知道哪家可以敲門, 哪家不可以. 小肉包後來敲出了興趣, 搞不清有沒有掛南瓜圖案, 只要見了門就敲, 連垃圾間的門都跑去敲, 真是笑死人了.
The building's rule is, if you want to participate in trick or treating, you have to hang a pumpkin sign on your door so the kids know which ones to knock on. Hasan didn't understand all these rules. He just knew that when he knocked on the door, someone would open and give him candies. So he was knocking on every single door he could see, even the garbage chute!
跑了幾層樓之後, 我們發覺可以敲門的人家真是很少, 大部分人家的門口都沒有掛南瓜圖案, 於是我就帶他到樓下的大廳去晃晃, 跟守衛要糖果.
After running around in a few floors, we found that only very few people had the pumpkin sign on. So I decided to take him to the lobby to trick or treat our door man.
這樣跑下來, 他也要了滿滿半桶的糖果餅乾. 我看他拿得搖搖晃晃的好像很重的樣子, 就問他要不要幫他拿. 沒想到這小子很大聲的說不要, 還一直搖頭, 寧可慢慢的走, 也不願意我拿走他滿滿的糖果餅乾, 真是的.
After a while, his pumpkin basket was already half full. The basket seemed very heavy for him to carry, so I offered to carry it for him. He immediately said "no" (very loudly), and couldn't stop shaking his head as if I was going to steal all his candies.
回家後我檢查了他的南瓜籃子, 發現有一家人給了他兩包低脂的動物餅乾, 晚餐後我就開了一包給他吃. 他吃得津津有味, 好像很得意自己的收穫似的. 吃完了動物餅乾, 趁爸爸替他洗澡的時候, 我趕快把剩下的糖果 (大部分是巧克力和棒棒糖) 給藏了起來, 他洗完澡也就把這事忘得一乾二淨了. 這麼多糖果, 要是全給他吃完了那還得了嗎? (不過要是給爸爸吃完了也不得了, 所以我藏在只有我知道的地方, 呵呵!)
I checked his basket after returning home, and found that someone gave him 2 bags of low fat animal crackers. So after dinner I opened one bag for him. He enjoyed the crackers very much as if they were his triumph from a battle or something. After he finished the crackers, daddy took him to shower and I took the chance to hide the rest of the candies (mostly chocolates and lollipops) away. He soon forgot everything after shower and didn't ask a single word about the candies. I can't imagine if he ended up eating all those candies..... (but if daddy ended up eating all those candies it would be bad too, so I hid the candies away from daddy too....haha.)
This year's Halloween Hasan was in his little emperor costume. (Fine, mommy was too lazy to buy Hasan a new costume, so I just put his one-year-old birthday dress on him. But everyone we met loved his little emperor costume and asked me where to buy it!)
小肉包皇帝整好裝, 和媽媽出發去要糖果囉!
Little emperor brought his pumpkin basket and went to trick or treat with mommy!

看他小小個頭的提著南瓜籃子搖搖擺擺的走著, 真可愛.
He was so cute walking down the hall with his little pumpkin basket.
一開始他還搞不清到底是要幹麻. 我替他敲了兩家人的門, 示範兩次之後, 他很快了解這項活動是要把人家擺到他面前的糖果往自己的籃子裡放. 所以到了第三家人家門口之後, 他就很自動的開始不客氣的大把抓起糖果餅乾來了.
At first he didn't really know what this was about. After knocking on a couple of doors, he soon understood that he was supposed to grab whatever people presented in front of him and put it in his own basket. So starting from the third door, he was already an expert of trick-or-treating.
他很喜歡這家人門口擺的南瓜燈, 要完了糖果後還一直盯著看不肯走.
He loved this pumpkin decoration so much that he didn't want to leave even after they closed the door.
我們大樓規定, 要參加萬聖節要糖活動的人家, 要在門口掛個南瓜的圖案, 小朋友才知道哪家可以敲門, 哪家不可以. 小肉包後來敲出了興趣, 搞不清有沒有掛南瓜圖案, 只要見了門就敲, 連垃圾間的門都跑去敲, 真是笑死人了.
The building's rule is, if you want to participate in trick or treating, you have to hang a pumpkin sign on your door so the kids know which ones to knock on. Hasan didn't understand all these rules. He just knew that when he knocked on the door, someone would open and give him candies. So he was knocking on every single door he could see, even the garbage chute!
跑了幾層樓之後, 我們發覺可以敲門的人家真是很少, 大部分人家的門口都沒有掛南瓜圖案, 於是我就帶他到樓下的大廳去晃晃, 跟守衛要糖果.
After running around in a few floors, we found that only very few people had the pumpkin sign on. So I decided to take him to the lobby to trick or treat our door man.
這樣跑下來, 他也要了滿滿半桶的糖果餅乾. 我看他拿得搖搖晃晃的好像很重的樣子, 就問他要不要幫他拿. 沒想到這小子很大聲的說不要, 還一直搖頭, 寧可慢慢的走, 也不願意我拿走他滿滿的糖果餅乾, 真是的.
After a while, his pumpkin basket was already half full. The basket seemed very heavy for him to carry, so I offered to carry it for him. He immediately said "no" (very loudly), and couldn't stop shaking his head as if I was going to steal all his candies.
回家後我檢查了他的南瓜籃子, 發現有一家人給了他兩包低脂的動物餅乾, 晚餐後我就開了一包給他吃. 他吃得津津有味, 好像很得意自己的收穫似的. 吃完了動物餅乾, 趁爸爸替他洗澡的時候, 我趕快把剩下的糖果 (大部分是巧克力和棒棒糖) 給藏了起來, 他洗完澡也就把這事忘得一乾二淨了. 這麼多糖果, 要是全給他吃完了那還得了嗎? (不過要是給爸爸吃完了也不得了, 所以我藏在只有我知道的地方, 呵呵!)
I checked his basket after returning home, and found that someone gave him 2 bags of low fat animal crackers. So after dinner I opened one bag for him. He enjoyed the crackers very much as if they were his triumph from a battle or something. After he finished the crackers, daddy took him to shower and I took the chance to hide the rest of the candies (mostly chocolates and lollipops) away. He soon forgot everything after shower and didn't ask a single word about the candies. I can't imagine if he ended up eating all those candies..... (but if daddy ended up eating all those candies it would be bad too, so I hid the candies away from daddy too....haha.)
October 31, 2007
姑姑和表哥 Aunt Lisa and cousin Jonathan
禮拜二早上, 麗莎姑姑和強纳生表哥來家裡吃早餐. 小肉包超興奮的, 一直拉著表哥到他的房間去玩, 表哥送他一顆橄欖球, 他也愛不釋手. 我吃完早餐先行告退去上班, 小肉包接著帶著表哥和姑姑一起看我和阿里的結婚照. 據阿里說, 小肉包還跟姑姑和表哥解釋裡面有哪些人呢! 搞什麼, 人家姑姑和表哥可是親身參加我們的婚禮, 還用得著你來解釋嗎?
Tuesday morning, aunt Lisa and cousin Jonathan stopped by to have breakfast with us. Hasan was so excited to see Jonathan, and he kept dragging Jonathon to his room to play with him. Jonathan brought Hasan a football, and Hasan loved it so much. I left the breakfast early to go to work, and after I left Hasan was showing our wedding photos with Lisa and Jonathan. Ali told me that Hasan was even trying to explain to them who was in the photos. Please, Hasan, aunt Lisa and Jonathan were physically in our wedding. Do you think they need you to explain to them who was there?
Tuesday morning, aunt Lisa and cousin Jonathan stopped by to have breakfast with us. Hasan was so excited to see Jonathan, and he kept dragging Jonathon to his room to play with him. Jonathan brought Hasan a football, and Hasan loved it so much. I left the breakfast early to go to work, and after I left Hasan was showing our wedding photos with Lisa and Jonathan. Ali told me that Hasan was even trying to explain to them who was in the photos. Please, Hasan, aunt Lisa and Jonathan were physically in our wedding. Do you think they need you to explain to them who was there?
October 29, 2007
昨天給我們大鬧了一天之後, 今天小肉包變得出奇的乖. 爸爸說傍晚帶他去公園玩, 時間到了跟他說要回家的時候, 他一點也沒有哭鬧, 就乖乖的跟爸爸上腳踏車回家, 還說要回家找媽媽, (平常要回家時都會在公園上演一哭二鬧的把戲). 一進家門, 他就很熱情的給我好幾個擁抱, 然後我叫他脫鞋子他也乖乖坐在地上毫不反抗的就自己把鞋脫了, (平常都要我追著他跑才肯脫鞋). 接下來叫他去洗手, 他也乖乖的往浴室走去, 看到爸爸不在浴室, 還會去房間叫爸爸來幫他洗手, (平常都是爸爸硬抓著他去洗手才肯洗). 然後我說我要去廚房煮飯, 叫他自己在沙發上坐著看一下卡通, 他也乖乖的坐著, 沒有跟進廚房來搗蛋, (平常一定是跑到廚房來亂開櫃子, 把所有的鍋碗瓢盆都搬出來敲敲打打, 要不就是吵著要吃東西). 晚餐的時候, 爸爸拿什麼給他吃他就吃什麼, 完全沒有挑食, 也沒有把食物丟在地上, (平常吃飽了就把飯菜往地下丟, 要不就是把 booster chair 的桌面給拆下來敲敲打打的). 我和爸爸簡直像中了頭獎一樣, 渡過了一個輕鬆舒服的晚上, 這實在太不像我們家的小肉包了, 有一度我還以為他生病了呢!
小麥同學拖到廁所教訓的方法是不錯, 但是對我現階段而言不太實際, 因為我自己肚子這麼大個, 別說要把他這隻蠻牛拖到廁所了, 就光是要抱他上下車或上下餐廳的高椅子都很困難, 我看還是得想個別的辦法才行. 反正像今天這種小天使的表現, 我是很有自知之明不會太常發生的, 今天真的是感動得眼淚都要掉下來了, 我還在睡前特地多講了十分鐘的故事給他聽以資獎勵呢!
小麥同學拖到廁所教訓的方法是不錯, 但是對我現階段而言不太實際, 因為我自己肚子這麼大個, 別說要把他這隻蠻牛拖到廁所了, 就光是要抱他上下車或上下餐廳的高椅子都很困難, 我看還是得想個別的辦法才行. 反正像今天這種小天使的表現, 我是很有自知之明不會太常發生的, 今天真的是感動得眼淚都要掉下來了, 我還在睡前特地多講了十分鐘的故事給他聽以資獎勵呢!
October 28, 2007
這個禮拜還沒到週末冰箱就已經全空了, 不僅青菜水果和肉類海鮮一樣也不剩, 就連雞蛋牛奶和麵包也全部吃光光, 連我們平常不常吃, 只是儲備用的水餃包子也一掃而空. 所以昨天晚上睡前和爸爸說好, 今天要去大採購食物.
早上起床吃完早餐後, 我們先去BJ買些乾糧和尿布, (沒錯, 連尿布也一片都不剩). 到了BJ, 小肉包不知道是哪根筋不對勁, 從放上購物推車開始就從頭唉到尾, 不僅一直想要掙脫安全帶, 還搶著要喝爸爸的咖啡, 而且走到哪裡就想要摸摸購物架上的東西, 我們不給他他就大叫, 而且是尖叫到會引起周圍的人注目的那種. 爸爸受不了小肉包一直吵著要喝咖啡, 就給他啜了兩口, 不知道是不是因為這兩口, 接下來的路程他更無法無天了, 一下不許我們碰購物推車, 再不就是當我推推車時一直踢我的肚子. 後來我們把購物車停在賣衣服的攤子旁邊, 他竟然把一疊牛仔褲整排掃到地上去. 我火大了, 當場在眾多購物人潮裡對他開罵, 還打了他的手心和屁股, 不過這小子對我的處罰並不是很在意, 可能我打了也不痛不癢吧, 照樣大聲尖叫動來動去, 非常不安分.
我們的下一個目的地是法拉盛的中國超市, 但是我在BJ已經被他搞得心情不佳, 跟爸爸說我不想帶他去中國超市了. 我要爸爸先開車回家, 他和小肉包待在家裡, 我自己去中國超市就好了. 不過從BJ離開不久, 小肉包就在車上睡著了, 於是我們還是開車到了法拉盛, 爸爸和小肉包在車上, 我自己下車去買. 沒有人在旁邊又吵又鬧又丟東西的真是輕鬆愉快!
買玩菜後我們回家吃午餐, 因為我們昨天終於訂下了小肉包和弟弟房間的家具, 買了兩張單人床, 也給自己的床從Queen size升等成King size, 所以吃完午餐打算去Bed, Bath and Beyond 買一些床單棉被給新床用. 小肉包不知道是不是因為睡不夠, 到了Bed, Bath and Beyond 之後又開始胡鬧, 我和爸爸認真在選床單的時候他在旁邊一個勁而唉唉叫, 而且又故態復萌, 把架上的東西一直往地上丟. 這次換爸爸發飆了, 爸爸當然沒有我這麼溫柔, 很用力的打了小肉包的手心好幾下, 而且非常大聲的罵他, 小肉包就大哭了起來, 眼淚當場一直流, 我只好跑去安慰他, 想辦法講故事或講笑話轉移他的注意力. 但是十分鐘後他又不安分了起來, 爸爸又再一次的發飆, 小肉包又再一次的大哭, 整個購物的過程就這樣來來回回的哭上了好幾回.
回到家以後雖然才下午五點, 我和爸爸都覺得今天已經很累了, 還說好以後出去吃飯或買東西绝對不要再帶小肉包一起去. 真的不知道是我們家這隻特別討人厭, 還是男孩子都一樣, (他的毛病就是坐不住, 如果把他放在購物推車或是餐廳的高椅子上太久, 他就會開始做出一些很討人厭的事情). 我也很好奇別的爸爸媽媽對於在公眾場合教訓小朋友的看法, 像今天這樣的情況, 我和爸爸這樣的做法不知道對不對, 合不合宜呢? 有同樣遭遇的爸爸媽媽請和我們分享經驗吧!
早上起床吃完早餐後, 我們先去BJ買些乾糧和尿布, (沒錯, 連尿布也一片都不剩). 到了BJ, 小肉包不知道是哪根筋不對勁, 從放上購物推車開始就從頭唉到尾, 不僅一直想要掙脫安全帶, 還搶著要喝爸爸的咖啡, 而且走到哪裡就想要摸摸購物架上的東西, 我們不給他他就大叫, 而且是尖叫到會引起周圍的人注目的那種. 爸爸受不了小肉包一直吵著要喝咖啡, 就給他啜了兩口, 不知道是不是因為這兩口, 接下來的路程他更無法無天了, 一下不許我們碰購物推車, 再不就是當我推推車時一直踢我的肚子. 後來我們把購物車停在賣衣服的攤子旁邊, 他竟然把一疊牛仔褲整排掃到地上去. 我火大了, 當場在眾多購物人潮裡對他開罵, 還打了他的手心和屁股, 不過這小子對我的處罰並不是很在意, 可能我打了也不痛不癢吧, 照樣大聲尖叫動來動去, 非常不安分.
我們的下一個目的地是法拉盛的中國超市, 但是我在BJ已經被他搞得心情不佳, 跟爸爸說我不想帶他去中國超市了. 我要爸爸先開車回家, 他和小肉包待在家裡, 我自己去中國超市就好了. 不過從BJ離開不久, 小肉包就在車上睡著了, 於是我們還是開車到了法拉盛, 爸爸和小肉包在車上, 我自己下車去買. 沒有人在旁邊又吵又鬧又丟東西的真是輕鬆愉快!
買玩菜後我們回家吃午餐, 因為我們昨天終於訂下了小肉包和弟弟房間的家具, 買了兩張單人床, 也給自己的床從Queen size升等成King size, 所以吃完午餐打算去Bed, Bath and Beyond 買一些床單棉被給新床用. 小肉包不知道是不是因為睡不夠, 到了Bed, Bath and Beyond 之後又開始胡鬧, 我和爸爸認真在選床單的時候他在旁邊一個勁而唉唉叫, 而且又故態復萌, 把架上的東西一直往地上丟. 這次換爸爸發飆了, 爸爸當然沒有我這麼溫柔, 很用力的打了小肉包的手心好幾下, 而且非常大聲的罵他, 小肉包就大哭了起來, 眼淚當場一直流, 我只好跑去安慰他, 想辦法講故事或講笑話轉移他的注意力. 但是十分鐘後他又不安分了起來, 爸爸又再一次的發飆, 小肉包又再一次的大哭, 整個購物的過程就這樣來來回回的哭上了好幾回.
回到家以後雖然才下午五點, 我和爸爸都覺得今天已經很累了, 還說好以後出去吃飯或買東西绝對不要再帶小肉包一起去. 真的不知道是我們家這隻特別討人厭, 還是男孩子都一樣, (他的毛病就是坐不住, 如果把他放在購物推車或是餐廳的高椅子上太久, 他就會開始做出一些很討人厭的事情). 我也很好奇別的爸爸媽媽對於在公眾場合教訓小朋友的看法, 像今天這樣的情況, 我和爸爸這樣的做法不知道對不對, 合不合宜呢? 有同樣遭遇的爸爸媽媽請和我們分享經驗吧!
October 25, 2007
既然 Shelly 同學問起, 我就來解答一下懷孕 32 週還能穿緊身牛仔褲的秘密吧!
沒錯, 這件牛仔褲是 N 年前我和阿方同學在微風廣場買的. 懷孕 32 週了還能穿的原因, 是因為我沒拉拉鍊啦! 不過不用擔心, 褲子不會掉下來, 也不用擔心內褲或肚皮走光, 因為我用了 bella band. 請點下面的 link 看 bella band 的介紹.
Bella band 真的很好用, 只要懷孕的時候大腿沒有變粗太多, 套上 bella band 之後, 孕前的褲子都可以穿. 像我沒有再打算生第三胎, 所以這次懷孕不想花錢買孕婦裝, 用 bella band 之後一件孕婦褲都沒有買, 而且 bella band 的彈性比一般孕婦褲的鬆緊帶好很多, 我記得生小肉包的時候買的孕婦褲, 洗幾次之後鬆緊帶就鬆了, 走路好像褲子快掉下來的感覺, 都要一直拉, bella band 就不會有這個毛病.
Bella band 也可以用在裙子上, 不過因為我的裙子大部分都是窄裙, 就算用了 bella band, 大腿那邊不是穿不下要不就是很緊, 不方便行動. 幸好今年流行娃娃裝, 不想花錢買孕婦裝的話, 買幾件娃娃裝來充數也可以. 像我上一篇文章裡穿的灰色連身裙就是普通的娃娃裝, 並不是孕婦裝, 穿起來一樣很舒適. 唯一的問題是, 孕婦裝通常會將裙子的前擺加長一些, 當肚子慢慢變大, 裙子前擺也會跟著往上升. 一般的娃娃裝就不會這樣設計了, 所以如果買娃娃裝當孕婦裝, 等肚子慢慢變大時, 從正面看起來裙子會有點短. 如果覺得尷尬的話, 可以在裡面加穿厚褲襪或是 legging, 就不會覺得彆扭了.
所以我這次懷克霖前後只去孕婦店買了幾件上衣, 裙子和褲子都沒有特別買孕婦裝. 事實上, 想省錢的話上衣也可以買娃娃裝代替.
Shelly 同學如果有需要的話, 我可以幫你買 bella band 寄回去, 或者是, 我可以把我的兩條 bella band 送給你, 反正我也不想再生第三胎了.
沒錯, 這件牛仔褲是 N 年前我和阿方同學在微風廣場買的. 懷孕 32 週了還能穿的原因, 是因為我沒拉拉鍊啦! 不過不用擔心, 褲子不會掉下來, 也不用擔心內褲或肚皮走光, 因為我用了 bella band. 請點下面的 link 看 bella band 的介紹.
Bella band 真的很好用, 只要懷孕的時候大腿沒有變粗太多, 套上 bella band 之後, 孕前的褲子都可以穿. 像我沒有再打算生第三胎, 所以這次懷孕不想花錢買孕婦裝, 用 bella band 之後一件孕婦褲都沒有買, 而且 bella band 的彈性比一般孕婦褲的鬆緊帶好很多, 我記得生小肉包的時候買的孕婦褲, 洗幾次之後鬆緊帶就鬆了, 走路好像褲子快掉下來的感覺, 都要一直拉, bella band 就不會有這個毛病.
Bella band 也可以用在裙子上, 不過因為我的裙子大部分都是窄裙, 就算用了 bella band, 大腿那邊不是穿不下要不就是很緊, 不方便行動. 幸好今年流行娃娃裝, 不想花錢買孕婦裝的話, 買幾件娃娃裝來充數也可以. 像我上一篇文章裡穿的灰色連身裙就是普通的娃娃裝, 並不是孕婦裝, 穿起來一樣很舒適. 唯一的問題是, 孕婦裝通常會將裙子的前擺加長一些, 當肚子慢慢變大, 裙子前擺也會跟著往上升. 一般的娃娃裝就不會這樣設計了, 所以如果買娃娃裝當孕婦裝, 等肚子慢慢變大時, 從正面看起來裙子會有點短. 如果覺得尷尬的話, 可以在裡面加穿厚褲襪或是 legging, 就不會覺得彆扭了.
所以我這次懷克霖前後只去孕婦店買了幾件上衣, 裙子和褲子都沒有特別買孕婦裝. 事實上, 想省錢的話上衣也可以買娃娃裝代替.
Shelly 同學如果有需要的話, 我可以幫你買 bella band 寄回去, 或者是, 我可以把我的兩條 bella band 送給你, 反正我也不想再生第三胎了.
October 23, 2007
懷孕 32 週囉! Mommy is 32 weeks pregnant!
應觀眾要求, 特別放上媽咪懷孕32週的大肚照. 肚子真的很大吧! 很難想像還有將近兩個月要渡過呢!
Mommy is 32 weeks pregnant. Can you believe mommy's belly is so big?

Mommy is 32 weeks pregnant. Can you believe mommy's belly is so big?

October 22, 2007
大約兩個禮拜前, 我買了這個可以架在馬桶上的小馬桶坐墊, 想要給小肉包訓練自己大小便. 一開始我們讓他穿著褲子坐, 因為書上都建議先這樣開始, 小朋友比較不會緊張. 小肉包竟然非常喜歡穿著褲子坐在馬桶上, 所以每天吃完早餐褓母就抱他上馬桶, 給他講故事, 大約百分之八十的坐馬桶時間他都能順利的大出便來.
過了幾天之後, 褓母想說可以開始讓他脫著褲子坐馬桶了, 於是有一天早上把他抓來要脫褲子. 沒想到他死命的掙扎, 鬼哭神號的就是不肯脫, 我們只好又繼續讓他穿著褲子坐馬桶. 後來發現他根本就是喜歡聽褓母講故事, 每次坐馬桶一定要拿一本故事書, 如果不講故事他就不肯坐, 不知道何時才能訓練他真正自己大小便呢?
過了幾天之後, 褓母想說可以開始讓他脫著褲子坐馬桶了, 於是有一天早上把他抓來要脫褲子. 沒想到他死命的掙扎, 鬼哭神號的就是不肯脫, 我們只好又繼續讓他穿著褲子坐馬桶. 後來發現他根本就是喜歡聽褓母講故事, 每次坐馬桶一定要拿一本故事書, 如果不講故事他就不肯坐, 不知道何時才能訓練他真正自己大小便呢?
October 21, 2007
做義工 Volunteer work
媽咪參加了公司的職業父母組織(working parents network), 除了和別的職業父母交流之外, 還常常有免費午餐可以吃. 這一天的活動是教大家用毛線打小帽子給早產兒, 然後捐給醫院. 媽咪很久沒打毛線了, 想說來試試看, 按照指示一歨一歨打下來的結果, 是打成了一個超長的帽子 (左邊那個). 外婆來了看不下去, 就幫媽咪再打了一個 (右邊那個), 品質差很多吧!
參觀哥大校園 Visiting Columbia university
星期六天氣晴朗, 我們跟著Rebecca阿姨去參觀她現在的學校 - 哥倫比亞大學. 小肉包追鴿子追得不亦樂乎呢!
It was a sunny day on Saturday, and we went to visit Columbia university with aunt Rebecca. Hasan was having so much fun chasing the pigeons!
It was a sunny day on Saturday, and we went to visit Columbia university with aunt Rebecca. Hasan was having so much fun chasing the pigeons!
October 16, 2007
Daddy is not home......
Ali flew to Lebanon last Friday and is not coming back until next Sunday. This is the first time I am home with Hasan by myself for 10 days. Before Ali left, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle Hasan with my 8-month pregnant belly, because Hasan has become very active and I am becoming less and less enegetic with my heavy body. So I asked our nanny to work overtime this week, from 8 am to 8:30 pm.
Surprisingly, my life is much easier with our super nanny than with Ali. I still come home at the same hour, but all I have to do is to relax and to play with Hasan. Our super nanny takes care of dinner, feeds Hasan, does dish, prepares fruits, cleans kitchen, showers Hasan and brushes Hasan, and puts Hasan to sleep (usually I do everything above except for showing Hasan). Every night before 8:15 pm Hasan is in bed already. All of a sudden I have so much extra time that I don't even know what to do. When Ali was home, I usually didn't go to bed until at least 11:30 pm. Yesterday I felt bored at 9 pm and eventually went to bed at 10 pm. What a great life with our super nanny! (Of course it would be even better if I don't have to pay her for overtime :)
Surprisingly, my life is much easier with our super nanny than with Ali. I still come home at the same hour, but all I have to do is to relax and to play with Hasan. Our super nanny takes care of dinner, feeds Hasan, does dish, prepares fruits, cleans kitchen, showers Hasan and brushes Hasan, and puts Hasan to sleep (usually I do everything above except for showing Hasan). Every night before 8:15 pm Hasan is in bed already. All of a sudden I have so much extra time that I don't even know what to do. When Ali was home, I usually didn't go to bed until at least 11:30 pm. Yesterday I felt bored at 9 pm and eventually went to bed at 10 pm. What a great life with our super nanny! (Of course it would be even better if I don't have to pay her for overtime :)
October 12, 2007
小小享受王 Couch potato
我們家的沙發有一張是比較長的懶人沙發, 可以把腳放上去很舒服的躺著. 這張沙發一直是我和阿里的最愛, 每次看電視我們都想搶坐這張沙發.
We have a long couch at home - the kind you can put your legs on it and lie down. This couch has always been Ali's and my favorate. We love to sit on it whenever we watch TV.
最近小肉包也愛上這張沙發, 但我想他可能是愛湊熱鬧, 看我和阿里都喜歡坐那裡, 他也想坐那裡. 因為他的腳那麼短, 坐哪張沙發不都像是坐懶人沙發一樣嘛?
Lately Hasan also falls in love with this couch. I think it's because he sees us sitting on it all the time, so he wants to mimic us. Because his legs are so short, theoretically he can put his legs on any other couch besides this one - so the reason he likes this one is definitely different from ours.
他還會對阿里發號施令, 叫阿里把他的飲料和點心拿到他伸手可得的地方, 然後自己就坐在那裡吃吃喝喝起來了. 有時候還會整個身體都陷在沙發裡, 好像很享受的樣子, 真是小懶豬.
After he sits down, he would also ask Ali to bring his drink and cheerios to somewhere he can reach from the couch. He would lie in there and eat/drink as if he is enjoying his time. What a couch potato!

We have a long couch at home - the kind you can put your legs on it and lie down. This couch has always been Ali's and my favorate. We love to sit on it whenever we watch TV.
最近小肉包也愛上這張沙發, 但我想他可能是愛湊熱鬧, 看我和阿里都喜歡坐那裡, 他也想坐那裡. 因為他的腳那麼短, 坐哪張沙發不都像是坐懶人沙發一樣嘛?
Lately Hasan also falls in love with this couch. I think it's because he sees us sitting on it all the time, so he wants to mimic us. Because his legs are so short, theoretically he can put his legs on any other couch besides this one - so the reason he likes this one is definitely different from ours.
他還會對阿里發號施令, 叫阿里把他的飲料和點心拿到他伸手可得的地方, 然後自己就坐在那裡吃吃喝喝起來了. 有時候還會整個身體都陷在沙發裡, 好像很享受的樣子, 真是小懶豬.
After he sits down, he would also ask Ali to bring his drink and cheerios to somewhere he can reach from the couch. He would lie in there and eat/drink as if he is enjoying his time. What a couch potato!

October 11, 2007
會從一數到九囉! Counting from 1 to 9 (in Mandarin)
今天下班回來, 阿姨很興奮地拉著小肉包叫他從一數到九給我看, 真的會數了耶! 但是當我拿相機想要拍下來時, 他卻很不合作的一直想要拿我的相機玩, 我只好把舊的那台拿給他. 不過相機一到他手上, 他就不專心數數了, 所以拍下來的沒有那麼成功. 數完八之後就開始尖叫了.
As soon as I walked in today, our nanny took me to Hasan's room and asked him to count from 1 to 9 for me. He really can count! But when I wanted to videotape him counting, he got distracted and kept playing with the camera. He started screaming after counting to 8.
(3 沒有在白板上, 不知道跑到哪裡去了.)
(Number 3 was not on the white board, and we didn't know where it was.)
之前我還覺得他學講話的速度有點慢, 不過這一兩個禮拜好像突然開竅, 很會模仿人家講話, 叫得出名字的水果和動物加起來也差不多快有四五十種囉!
I was worried that he was slow in picking up language. But during this past two weeks, he was learning very fast all of a sudden. Now he can recognize almost 40 to 50 different fruits and animals and say their names!
As soon as I walked in today, our nanny took me to Hasan's room and asked him to count from 1 to 9 for me. He really can count! But when I wanted to videotape him counting, he got distracted and kept playing with the camera. He started screaming after counting to 8.
(3 沒有在白板上, 不知道跑到哪裡去了.)
(Number 3 was not on the white board, and we didn't know where it was.)
之前我還覺得他學講話的速度有點慢, 不過這一兩個禮拜好像突然開竅, 很會模仿人家講話, 叫得出名字的水果和動物加起來也差不多快有四五十種囉!
I was worried that he was slow in picking up language. But during this past two weeks, he was learning very fast all of a sudden. Now he can recognize almost 40 to 50 different fruits and animals and say their names!
十七個月大的小猴子 17-month-old monkey
爸爸帶小肉包去公園玩, 看他爬上爬下的畫面真是令人捏一把冷汗, 爸爸竟然還有閒情逸致在旁邊攝影, 真是的.
Daddy took Hasan to the park and videotaped him climbing up and down. It was really scary......
第二段影片快結束前, 爸爸騙他說要回家了, 跟他說拜拜, 他唉唉叫了一聲, 緊跟著不知道碎碎唸了什麼一長串, 真好笑.
Before the 2nd video finishes, daddy told him "bye-bye" pretending that he was going to take Hasan home. Hasan yelled at him, and then spoke some sort of sentence that nobody understood as if he was complaining - very funny.
我們這隻小猴子最近好愛爬, 在家裡竟然也敢爬上窗台, 我的視線真是一刻也不能離開他囉!
Hasan falls in love with climbing recently. He even climbs up to our window. I have to keep my eyes on him all the time.
Daddy took Hasan to the park and videotaped him climbing up and down. It was really scary......
第二段影片快結束前, 爸爸騙他說要回家了, 跟他說拜拜, 他唉唉叫了一聲, 緊跟著不知道碎碎唸了什麼一長串, 真好笑.
Before the 2nd video finishes, daddy told him "bye-bye" pretending that he was going to take Hasan home. Hasan yelled at him, and then spoke some sort of sentence that nobody understood as if he was complaining - very funny.
我們這隻小猴子最近好愛爬, 在家裡竟然也敢爬上窗台, 我的視線真是一刻也不能離開他囉!
Hasan falls in love with climbing recently. He even climbs up to our window. I have to keep my eyes on him all the time.
October 09, 2007
媽咪的高中死黨月亮阿姨決定認未出生的克霖為乾兒子喔! 他說老大比較多人疼, 所以他要來疼老二.
月亮乾媽, 乾兒子再兩個月就要出生囉! 知道要準備什麼了吧! 趕快買張機票來探望探望吧! 嘻嘻......
月亮乾媽, 乾兒子再兩個月就要出生囉! 知道要準備什麼了吧! 趕快買張機票來探望探望吧! 嘻嘻......
今天下班搭地鐵回家, 因為是尖峰時間, 地鐵上擠得要命, 連找個扶手抓都快找不到, 更別說有空位坐了. 我挺著七個月大的肚子好不容易擠上車, 車子開動之後, 身邊站著的一位黑人女士突然拍拍我的肩膀說, 你是不是懷孕了? 我的肚子其實已經很大, 但是因為背著一個公事包, 剛好擋住了肚子, 所以她看不到. 我回答是呀, 她接著說, 那邊有一位女士要讓座給你. 我順著她手指的方向望過去, 很遙遠的地方真的有一位女孩一直向我微笑, 她不知怎麼的隔著重重人海竟還看得到我的大肚子, 並請隔在我們倆中間的乘客一個一個傳話過來說要讓我坐. 但是我們之間真的隔著很多很多人, 車內很擠很擠而且車子搖晃得很厲害, 我根本走不過去她那邊, 我於是又透過中間的乘客再傳話回去, 說等車到下一站停下之後, 我再過去坐.
結果這樣傳話來傳話去的, 搞得夾在我們倆之間的乘客都知道我懷孕了. 車到站停下之後, 所有乘客就像摩西過紅海一樣馬上站開成兩排, 並且高喊著: "孕婦來了請讓路!" 讓我從中間的清開的走道走過去, 我當然只好尷尬的笑著走過去坐下啦!
之前一直抱怨紐約的人很冷漠, 其實也真的是很冷漠, 我坐十次地鐵大概只有一次會有人讓我位子, 而讓我位子的十個人之中, 又大約只有一個會是男的, 現在的男人真是很不紳士. 不過偶爾遇到像今天這樣戲劇化的例子, 也是會令人發出會心一笑呢!
結果這樣傳話來傳話去的, 搞得夾在我們倆之間的乘客都知道我懷孕了. 車到站停下之後, 所有乘客就像摩西過紅海一樣馬上站開成兩排, 並且高喊著: "孕婦來了請讓路!" 讓我從中間的清開的走道走過去, 我當然只好尷尬的笑著走過去坐下啦!
之前一直抱怨紐約的人很冷漠, 其實也真的是很冷漠, 我坐十次地鐵大概只有一次會有人讓我位子, 而讓我位子的十個人之中, 又大約只有一個會是男的, 現在的男人真是很不紳士. 不過偶爾遇到像今天這樣戲劇化的例子, 也是會令人發出會心一笑呢!
September 30, 2007
禮拜六下午我和小肉包在玩, 他不知道從哪裡學來的, 把Elmo和小熊都面朝下的擺在地上, 然後自己也躺在地上, 自言自語的說 "趴下趴下", 讓我不禁聯想到蠟筆小新最喜歡玩的裝死遊戲.

最近他也喜歡學動物的叫聲, 這段影片是他模仿幾種小動物的聲音:
狗狗是 "汪汪" 叫,
貓咪是 "喵",
小鳥是 "吱吱叫",
牛是 "ㄇㄨ" (但是他叫起來像 "ㄨ", ㄇ的音不見了)
公雞是 "咕咕咕",
呵呵, 真可愛!

最近他也喜歡學動物的叫聲, 這段影片是他模仿幾種小動物的聲音:
狗狗是 "汪汪" 叫,
貓咪是 "喵",
小鳥是 "吱吱叫",
牛是 "ㄇㄨ" (但是他叫起來像 "ㄨ", ㄇ的音不見了)
公雞是 "咕咕咕",
呵呵, 真可愛!
泰瑞莎姑姑來訪 Aunt Theresa was here!
這個週末阿里同父異母的大姊泰瑞莎和先生麥可來紐約出差. 禮拜午下午麥可去開會的時候, 爸爸和小肉包一起帶著泰瑞莎姑姑到中央公園去散步, 拍了這些照片.
This weekend Ali's sister Theresa and her husband Michael cam to New York for a business trip. Friday afternoon when Michael was in a meeting, Ali and Hasan took aunt Theresa to Central Park for a little walk.

在公園玩的時候遇到一位十一歲的小女生. 雖然是陌生人, 小肉包一看到人家就黏住了不放, 不管泰瑞莎姑姑在後面追, 一個勁兒只想跟小姊姊牽手. 阿里看小肉包這麼喜歡小姊姊, 小姊姊也好喜歡小肉包, 就跟小姊姊要了email, 想說等我把照片放上來之後通知小姊姊上來看照片. 這跟小女生要email的行為像不像怪叔叔啊?
Hasan met a 11-year-old girl in the park, and he loved this girl so much that he kept running after her. Ali asked the girl for her email, and we planned to email her after I posted the pictures on my blog.

禮拜六晚上我們招待泰瑞莎姑姑和麥可姑丈去坐 dinner cruise, 我們又忘了去高級餐廳不能帶小肉包這件事, 整個晚上只聽見他東吼西叫的非常不安分, cruise 又一直到十點半才結束, 一下船上了車小肉包就呼呼大睡, 下次真的真的該記取教訓了.
Saturday night we took aunt Theresa and uncle Michael to the dinner cruise. We kept forgetting that we shouldn't take Hasan to any nice restaurant, especially not for dinner. The cruise didn't end until 10:30, and Hasan was so tired that he felt asleep right after we put him in the car. Next time we should really remember to leave him with the nanny.

This weekend Ali's sister Theresa and her husband Michael cam to New York for a business trip. Friday afternoon when Michael was in a meeting, Ali and Hasan took aunt Theresa to Central Park for a little walk.

在公園玩的時候遇到一位十一歲的小女生. 雖然是陌生人, 小肉包一看到人家就黏住了不放, 不管泰瑞莎姑姑在後面追, 一個勁兒只想跟小姊姊牽手. 阿里看小肉包這麼喜歡小姊姊, 小姊姊也好喜歡小肉包, 就跟小姊姊要了email, 想說等我把照片放上來之後通知小姊姊上來看照片. 這跟小女生要email的行為像不像怪叔叔啊?
Hasan met a 11-year-old girl in the park, and he loved this girl so much that he kept running after her. Ali asked the girl for her email, and we planned to email her after I posted the pictures on my blog.

禮拜六晚上我們招待泰瑞莎姑姑和麥可姑丈去坐 dinner cruise, 我們又忘了去高級餐廳不能帶小肉包這件事, 整個晚上只聽見他東吼西叫的非常不安分, cruise 又一直到十點半才結束, 一下船上了車小肉包就呼呼大睡, 下次真的真的該記取教訓了.
Saturday night we took aunt Theresa and uncle Michael to the dinner cruise. We kept forgetting that we shouldn't take Hasan to any nice restaurant, especially not for dinner. The cruise didn't end until 10:30, and Hasan was so tired that he felt asleep right after we put him in the car. Next time we should really remember to leave him with the nanny.

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